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Thread: Azrael Ondi-Ahman is Going to Hell

  1. #1
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    Default Azrael Ondi-Ahman is Going to Hell

    This guy is a cult person (picture perfect insanity), not a Christian. He has 5 principles for his new scriptures (called Song of God). The truth of his mistaken assumptions are...

    1. Killing in the name of justice in the Bible is sometimes needed.2. God is often wrathful and angry because of man's sin. He is jealous for our attention.
    3. Agree
    4. Hell is real and comes from God.
    5. Like all cults he doesn't reveal his mystery 5th reason to keep you hanging on (probably have to pay up for it). Then he reveals it. His heavenly mother says this new book of scripture must entail HOPE.

    6. I should add a 6th in which we are not to add to the Scriptures (he created new scriptures).
    7. I should add a 7th, there is no mother goddess, for he teaches a mother goddess. He mentions "many Mothers" just like in Mormonism. Crazy cook!
    8. He says "God is made no greater than the least of you" (Song of God, Wisdom 12:15-17).

    He lives in Mormon territory and you can tell he brings in many teachings of Mormonism and talks about endowments, heavenly mother, heavenly father, etc.

    He says "the Christian religion cannot be reformed". Satan has authored him to write a new book of scripture. In Mormonism it is the moron spirit. Azrael Ondi-Ahman has the same moron spirit as he is an offshoot of Mormonism. The solution to his issue with denominations is called biblocality.

  2. #2
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    His argument is no one can bring a person into being without a mother.

    This is bringing God down to our level of understanding. God chose the male personas in Father, Son and Spirit. That will never change. It doesn't demean women, but he had to pick personas and this is it. Jesus doesn't enter His creation as having both male and female genitals. Jesus was a man. The Holy Spirit is the life of the Father and the Son. So there is no mother god.

    Think of it this way. God has choice to present His Being as male or female. He chose male because males are dominant in society as sign of authority. As the head of the Church is God, so the head of a woman is man. This is just proper authority and submission. Women humble themselves before men and men humble themselves before God. Women humble themselves before God too. The bride is the Church, and the head of the Church is Jesus. In like manner this relationship is true of men and women.

    All God is saying is humility must take its proper place. When a woman usurps herself inordinately in a family no doubt problems occur. Just as when the husband usurps himself above God problems occur. Of course He is humble to his wife as well. The woman is the helpmeet of man; man is not the helpmeet of woman. Woman comes from man's ribs. This is humility.

    I am pretty sure everything I just said is true and various Scriptures back it up. This is the original intent.

    When a cult brings in a mother goddess the woman is being usurped beyond proper measure. Conflict arises as it conflicts with God's word. Mormons violate this authority and submission because they too have a mother goddess and endless sex. There is no sex in heaven. Since the population doesn't decrease and people don't die, no need for procreation. The size of the New City is 1379 x 1379 miles, perfect in size and perfect for the number of souls intended for God's perfect creation.

    What this cult leader does is take the abusive action of men to women and extend that to the need for a heavenly mother. The one does not justify the other. Bad rationale! He is in his head not the Holy Spirit of Truth.

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