What are the negative consequence of baptizing for the dead? It takes away from the decision in this life and extends it to the next so you can be lazy about it. It abuses Scripture, because the Bible says don't keep track of genealogies. Thirdly, it puts the attempted power in the Mormon organization to allow a person to be saved after death by virtue of something Mormons do which is a delusional self-exaltation and is apart from God's will. Fourth, it is an attempt at the Mormon flesh to rationalize all its other heresies, for if they are baptizing for the dead and nobody else does, that in their minds justifies Satanic claims such as Jesus is the brother of the Devil, Jesus had several wives, Jesus is not the Creator of all things, the Trinity is not true, salvation is only after all you can do, Mormons always existed from eternity of the past, etc.