Sounds like a statement you don't hear every day. Mormonism was created by witches for witches.

[Mat 23:1-4 NLT] 1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 "The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses. 3 So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don't follow their example. For they don't practice what they teach. 4 They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden.

[Act 16:31 NLT] 31 They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household."

Mormons trudge, put the shoulder to the wheel. But when one is born-again all that goes away.

Joseph Smith was kicked out the Methodist church for being a crystal ball gazer.

In the book of Mormon, Indians with their dark skin are considered wicked. They are the Lamanites. Smith was a racist. The Nephites he said were white and delightsome.

Mark Twain said the book of Mormon is chloroform in print -- incredibly boring. Mark Twain said he read the book of Ether in the book of Mormon and it put him to sleep.

The book of Mormon is very wordy and verbose. It is said Joseph Smith thought he was getting paid by the word to write it.

When the Lamanites got baptized the book of Mormon said they turned white. The book of Mormon is a very racist book.

What is the great baptismal charade? It is that nobody can baptize unless they have authority. So they, Joseph Smith and Oliver Crowdy, had a vision of John the Baptist who told them to lay hands on each other to give themselves the Aaronic priesthood and to give themselves authority to baptize others. Funny!

Joseph Smith said he had more to boast of than any other man and that no man has done as great a work as he had; even Jesus Christ has not done so great a work as he had. No man has been able to keep a church together, he said. Not Jesus, not Paul, not Peter. But I am able to do it, he said.

At one point, Joseph Smith said he was descended from Jesus Christ (remind you of the Da Vinci Code?). He was a glass looker and a money digger.

Everyone who dies he said will go to the judgment bar before 3 beings he calls God the Father, God the Son and Joseph Smith. You have to be quite a quack to believe this stuff.

A more appropriate word for polygamy is serial adulterer. He married his first wife who was a 15 year old girl. He had between 27 and 50 wives.

He said the Garden of Eden was in Missouri. How can you say any old stupid thing and yet there are 5 million Mormons around the world? Mind you, most are inactive but still. What is wrong with these people? They are insane! I believe Mormonism must appeal to them on some fundamental level that feeds their flesh. What is it? The idea you will become a god of a planet ultimately must be the driving factor in addition to endless sex pumping out billions and billions of babies with your many wives. After all Muslims think they will have 73 virgins to fornicate with for eternity. It is a sexually driven cult, but they are also racists at heart against anyone who is not white skinned. Just as Muslims are degrading to women covering their heads so you can't see their face, because Muslim men lust so greatly, the women in Mormonism are like baby machines which is dehumanizing. That's their purpose.

If that is not the motivating factor for some, not sure what else it can be.