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Thread: Mathematically Mormonism is Impossible

  1. #1
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    Default Mathematically Mormonism is Impossible

    There are Not Enough Planets in the Universe for Mormonism to be True

    Let's say there are 200 generations since Adam at 30 years per generation = 6000 years (Adam was born 4004 BC by adding up the ages in the Bible). I think a generation is actually much smaller than that so I am being conservative. The population at the time of Christ and prior was around 100 to 200 million per generation. The population now is 7 billion. What's a good average? Let's say the average generation had a population of only 200 million souls.

    Of those 200 million, let's say the percentage that become gods of planets is 1%. 200 million x 1% = 2,000,000 souls who become gods of a planet. And this progression continues on every planet a new God is designated to rule.

    2,000,000 ^ 200 generations = the number is so large my calculator only goes to 9.99 to the 99th digit.

    There is definitely not that many planets in the universe. There are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets (10^24).

    I contend because Hugh Ross calculated there are at least 800 variables for life to exist on another planet, there is only one habitable planet Earth. But even if there were some other planets where life could exist only a very, very small fraction would be habitable planets.

    Mormonism is mathematically impossible. Wow! There is not enough planets for all the Mormon gods. This is the only universe there is.

    Now what will really get Mormons is even if only .01% (1 in 10,000 souls) of the population become a god of a planet, it still doesn't work.

    200 million x .0001 = 20,000 souls who become god of a planet.

    20,000 ^ 200 generations = the number is still so large my calculator only goes to 9.99 to the 99th digit.

    Whose works in Mormonism are good enough to consider themselves to be 1 out of every 20,000 people on earth? Since we are still stuck at 9.99 to the 99th digit for required number of planets needed, the percentage is even lower than 1 in 20,000 souls who become gods of planets so there are enough planets to work with.

    No wonder why Mormons are stressed out and don't read Christian apologetic material to help Mormons.

  2. #2
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    Let's give the Mormon every conservative number we can possibly give them.

    Of the 10^24 planets in the universe (trillion x trillion) if life did exist on another planet only 1 in 1000 at best could be habitable (even though I think none are habitable) based on what NASA has seen so far. Actually, NASA has not found a habitable planet yet of the thousands they have analyzed.

    And even if you ONLY start counting the generations from 1830 Joseph Smith's time, there have been 6 generations. The population has averaged at least 3 billion per generation.

    Let's assume only 1 in 10,000 people becomes Mormon gods of other planets.

    3 billion / 10,000 = 300,000 Mormon gods.

    And each of those Mormon gods create billions of spirit babies for each of their new planets. That's a lot of sex for a man. Makes the Muslim with only 73 virgins jealous I would imagine.

    300,000^6 = 7.3^32 planets needed.

    But we have already seen there are only 10^21 planets available.

    So nobody before Joseph Smith gets to be a god of a new planet. That doesn't seem fair.

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