Milton Iwaasa,

Why would the golden plates be preserved for 1400 years only to be not used when Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by putting his head in a hat that had a peep stone in it? In 1826, 4 years before his translation, he was arrested for using a peep stone, ripping people off with it.

For over 50 years you have been lied to. You live fairly close to the states Wyoming, Utah and Idaho that house most Mormons and even Montana. And Lethbridge where you live has a large Mormon presence.

To finally come to the realization Joseph Smith was a terrible liar, you will weep at your bedside. This can be devastating to your psyche that you have been living a lie all your life.

But then, hopefully, you will accept Jesus as your Savior who died for you who died for us all. If you accept the Son who sets you free you will be free indeed! But if you don't you are going to Hell. Most people are going to Hell. I would not wish this upon my worse enemy.