There are over 12 different accounts of Joseph Smith, a 14 year old, seeing the Father and the Son, or the Son only and not the Father, with another angel and without...etc. Joseph Smith's father-in-law wanted nothing to do with Joseph because he was a fabricator of stories. His mother was troubled by his story telling also. He was a con artist at a very young age and only got worse and worse. Satan uses con artists. They are bad people, liars through and through. Do you take after such people? With so many different conflicting accounts Joseph Smith gave, it doesn't have the appearance of a real genuine account. He was a fraud and did not have a conscience. I wonder if Mormons know he is a fraud and Mormons themselves know they themselves are frauds but get off on this unethical behavior. Brigham Young didn't believe Joseph Smith had these visions, so he testified to that fact.