Why is forums.carm.org a joke? Why and how are they immoral?

Firstly, they are run by Matt. J. Slick who is a false Christian since he worships a god who irresistibly imposes salvation and passes over others not giving them any opportunity for salvation like how Hitler preterioned (passed over) the Jews born for the gas chambers, and irresistibly selected his Aryan race.

Secondly, they reject the Jesus who returns to reign on earth for 1000 years (amillennial). Read Jude 14,15; Rev. 2.26,27; 20.4-6.

Thirdly, they promote gibberish babble. This is where people out of their mouths using their larynx utter whatever mindless gibberish that comes to their emotions. The only stipulation is that it must not have any discernible linguistic syntax. Crazy I know!

As you can see Matt Slick doesn't care about truth, just the 3 most popular false teachings in Christendom to try to attract unsuspecting souls he offers products to for purchase.

How do the forums at CARM work? For example, if you compare Hitler's preterition to Calvinism preterition, and Hitler's irresistible selection of his Aryan race with Calvin (who was the murdering Protestant Pope of Geneva killing Christians who did not agree with him) irresistible selection, you will be banned for a week. When you come back after that week off they never treat you the same. You will not be able to gain access to the forums even to look at them unless you use a proxy. You have to use a proxy to login. But you'll notice that your posts are no longer visible to the public. Only you can see your own posts. So the appearance of a temporary ban is an actual permanent ban. They are trying to be deceitful, but does this really fool anyone? Just get a new IP proxy and register a new user name as the underground Church. There is no difference between a full fledged ban and the appearance of temporary ban.

It's funny how they play games like that. I think it is unethical! Perhaps it makes them feel better at night when they go to sleep, but it is immoral. If you expose the evil of any of these 3 false teachings, you are banned. If you do a poor job of exposing them, you can stay. Funny. What's even more funny if that wasn't funny enough is that they will ban each proxy you use one by one as you use them, yet you can still login and post except nobody gets to see your posts. Funny.

I can easily go back on their forums with a new proxy, register anew with a new username and choose to express myself freely to detail the evils of this cult in any way I choose to. If I exceed their tolerance level I will be banned. If I talk about how green the trees were today I might last awhile.

Does not the Bible warn us there would be many false Christs? Is this not another one of them? When Matt J. Slick is before the Lord at the Great White Throne, he won't repent. He has long since decided what he wants to follow. He wants money.