Exposing False Christians

The lesson derived from this exchange is you can tell if someone is not a Christian just by their hostility. You won't sense any love coming forth from them. It will be a strange spirit of always exalting self. Being humble is not a quality they have. It's hard to be humble when you are always exalting and pointing to self. Ultimately is that not what Satan is still trying to do?

One's "last days" (Jer. 49.39) end-time view paints a picture and gives us a Biblical Psychology view of a person similar to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

For example, someone who is a Pan-Tribber cannot be considered "watchful" (Matt. 24.40-42, Luke 21.36) because they take the position they don't need to know, and it will all pan out anyhow. What's the point giving God's word then? They are lazy, couldn't be bothered and lost in the world. They are lovers of the world! We shall know them their fruits. Blessed is he who reads the book of Revelation and understands it (Rev. 1.3).

Background History of Robert Rombough

The background history of Robert Rombough's hostility stems from the fact that he knows I know he has been accused by several people who have had dealings with him, including his ex-wife, of attempting to create a cult out of Christianity. The first one I became aware of he tried to start was through the Alberta Migraine Assistance Association he created. He threatened me that it was proprietary when I recited his approach back to him though he never copyrighted it. It works. But that's not the problem. The problem is the AMAA was a front for a cult he was operating behind the scenes.

And so the problem is Bob's into filthy lucre which he defends mightily. However what Biblically is not to be charged for as salvation is a free gift, a Christian should not charge others. The Bible says, "Freely ye have received, freely give" (Matt. 10.8). Bob has not had the true experience of new birth that is freely received though he may be versed in Christian nomenclature but only to try to manipulate people for money. Many charlatans follow the same path. One gives the appearance of pointing to Christ but is really pointing to self and his pocket book.

It seemed every article he would write online would mention money in some fashion in order to make you feel guilty if you didn't give him some. Near the end of each article would be some misapplication of Scripture to try to get some dough from you. I'm a worker for the Church so why doesn't he give me any money? He never gave me a dime. Isn't that a doublestandard? Some people donate to me online in a donation box hidden in the back pages on this site that if someone really wants to donate they can. But I don't encourage it.

When you are with him you wonder when he will bring up money again which makes for a very uncomfortable afternoon. That's been my experience with Bob which reminds me of a person by the name of Sigmund Brouwer who writes children's books. Near the end of his books, he inserts some Calvinistic teaching. I don't consider Robert or Sig Christians because if they were Christians they would not do these things. Robert, additionally, exposes his hand because he is unwilling to accept Revelation 6.12 that there is a great earthquake, black sackcloth sun and red blood moon before the Tribulation starts. These events occurred, of course, 2010-15.

Even if you are not a Christian you should be able to discern Bob's up to no good. You'll always have this uneasy feeling about him. The Holy Spirit has put it on my heart to make this public record to protect others from Robert Rombough should they have the unfortunate occurrence of coming across his path and lucky enough to find this thread.