Quote Originally Posted by Daniel1136
Satan is not in the abyss now, but he will go there so that he cannot deceive the mortal nations of the Lord's coming millennial kingdom on the earth

The believer in Jesus Christ lives in this present world, but is not of it

So His ecclesia are not ruling the world ..... yet [Romans 8]

All one has to do is look around .... the Lord and His true church are not ruling the world and this should obvious .... if true we have a big problem

There are those of the professing church with false teachers that claim they are the kingdom of God ruling on earth now, but this is a crafted deception and not true

This idea is the false teaching of bedrock amillennalism meaning that there will be no future millennial kingdom with the Lord ruling in person on the earth

The teaching has its roots in the early professing church fostered by the propriety ambitions of men that are essentially blinded by Satan even today

Here are some hints about what is going with this false teaching:

Satan is the ruler if this present world and wants people to worship him as "god"

So this devil has a huge foot hold in the professing church

And this one does not want Jesus Christ to come and rightly rule over His coming millennial kingdom upon the earth

Because of this [Revelation 20:1-3], and ultimately this [Revelation 20:10]
Lots of verses showing Jesus returns to reign on earth,