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Thread: Mitchell McKain at Pretends to be a Christian

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    Default Mitchell McKain at Pretends to be a Christian


    Quote Originally Posted by mitchellmckain
    We do have evidence of something coming from nothing.
    I'll keep it simple for the reader why Mitchell is not born-again, thus not a Christian, and why he is going to Hell according to the 66 books of God's word the Bible. He will probably never repent of these sins:

    1. Mitchell thinks something comes from nothing as many atheists believe so there is no need for God according to them. But that which does not exist can't cause anything because it doesn't exist. Sorry, no square circles. We only have evidence of something from something in nature, no hard evidence to the contrary. This is the primary proof of the uncreated Creator in the Bible in Rom. 1.20. And infinite regress is impossible too in Rom. 1.20 because if there was this alleged eternity of past cause and effects, you by that definition would have had an eternity to come into being before now, so you should have already happened or existed. Believing in infinite regress shows you have no need for God outside of time and space. Since the universe can't start up from nothing nor always have existed, it needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. A 5 year old understands this. How fallen men have become, they can't understand such a simple proof for the uncreated Creator in Rom. 1.20 by the overwhelming preponderance of evidence of cause and effects in nature beyond a reasonable doubt.

    2. By rejecting OSAS and all 5 points of OSAS Arminian, Mitchell was admitting he refuses to give his life to the God who keeps so that "they shall never perish" (John 10.28). So he believes in salvation by works and self-strength to keep his alleged salvation with his false christ and when he loses salvation, he powers himself up again to get it back. It's all about Mitch's power, his dogmatic gnostic legalism and secret knowledge of the gnostics that are diabolically opposite to the word of God. God's atonement is unlimited. Free will is true. God predestinates by foreknowing our free choice. Election is conditional. Saints are preserved. Grace is resistible. Not only does Mitchell say he disagrees with OSAS Arminian, the gospel of salvation, he also admits he doesn't see much difference between the 5 points of OSAS Arminian and Calvinism even though even basic Christians know they are 180 degrees opposite. Satan owns Mitchell the author of confusion.

    3. Claiming God's children go to Hell and rejecting God's children are those who are born-again.

    4. Insisting that Christians devoid themselves of knowledge of the gospel and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Satan loves that one.

    5. I know there are other problems with Mitchell, for where the disease is other fowl thoughts and behaviors fester. I'll report them back to you as they become known with knowledge an discerning of the spirits by the Holy Spirit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mitchellmckain
    So OSAS refers to "once saved always saved" which sounds like the last of the 5 points of TULIP Calvinism, where the P stands for "Perseverence of the Saints". I certainly consider this to be the most difficult of the 5.
    Mitchell said, "I am not Arminian" (Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:34 pm at What Mitchell fails to understand is Arminius taught OSAS and so did Calvin, but they are two different kinds of OSAS. Arminian OSAS is where a person receives the Jesus to keep us saved and never let us go like in John 10.28. Whereas Calvinism OSAS is where its god irresistibly imposes salvation. We should also note the weirdness of the phrase "perseverance of the saints" because it implies works or relying on one's own strength to "persevere" otherwise salvation will be lost. However, what Calvinists really mean by this is that they are irresistibly made to persevere. The problem with Mitchell, of course, is many times he has rebuked OSAS Arminian which tells me he is not born-again, because he refuses to give his life to the God who keeps. Eternal life is eternal once given. God does not give salvation, take it away, give it back, only to withdraw it again. As Dave Hunt well said, "that would be a weird kind of salvation" that Mitchell believes in. It is not expected he will ever give his life to Christ. Mitchell is a Remonstrant same as Roman Catholics. Most other denominations in Christendom are either Remonstrant or Calvinists. Even Baptists are 2 or 3 point Calvinists. Whereas the "little flock" (Luke 12.32) are actual Christians.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mitchellmckain
    Perseverance is conditional upon the continued endurance in the race of life set before us. In other words, perseverance is conditional in that it is based upon the commitment of the believer. If the believer decides to fall away due to temptation (as did one of the soils in Luke 8 ), then that person has forfeited their inheritance in Christ (i.e., eternal life). Basically they are just cherry picking what they like even if they are logically inconsistent. Of course since I am not Arminian, it is not like I care either way. But guess you could say that I am closer to OSAS Arminian than I am to Arminian in the sense that I refuse both of the extremes of Calvinism and Arminianism and find a different logical solution to the questions involved.
    Arminians don't believe in "perseverance of the saints" so it would be inappropriate to use this phrase to describe them. That is Calvinism terminology. At face value one would read "preserving" as relying one's strength to keep oneself saved, but what Calvinists really mean is they are irresistibly persevering. Whereas Christians, i.e. Arminians all whom are OSAS, believe in "preservation of the saints." We are preserved because we gave our lives to the God who keeps. Mitchell admits he has not given his life to this God of the Bible. Luke 8 does not have a believer falling away. All Arminians are OSAS as Arminius said never once did he ever teach a person could lose salvation once saved, so it is important Mitchell stop sinning bearing false witness against him. That would be wrong. Mitchell is really a Remonstrant like all Roman Catholics claiming they can lose salvation, but this is an admittance he refuses to give his life to the God who keeps, and so this proves Mitchell is going to Hell since he relies not on Christ but his self-strength.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mitchellmckain
    In my case, the reason is that I don't believe that salvation depends at all on choosing the right doctrines.
    Further evidence providing Mitchell is going to Hell because he admits salvation is not choosing and receiving the gospel that Jesus is God, died on the cross for the sins of the world to give us the free choice, and was resurrected the 3rd day. How very Matt Slick and Calvinist of Mitchell to say.

    Are faith and works contrasted as opposites? "By grace are ye saved, through faith;...not of works" (Eph. 2.8-9); "But to him that worketh not, but believeth..." (Rom. 4.5). Christ repeatedly gave such invitations as "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11.28), and "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink" (John 7.37).

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    Quote Originally Posted by mitchellmckain
    OSAS Arminian is a contradiction in terms. 5. Fall from Grace: The Teaching that a person can fall from grace and lose his salvation.

    All in all, I think it is clear that I am closer to Arminian than to Calvinist, but that I am not either of these really. I would change the spectrum by making open theism a third point of a triangle and then I would be closer to that than either of these other two.
    Jacob Arminius said never once did he ever say a person could lose salvation once saved. The 5th point of falling from grace and losing salvation is the teaching of non-OSASers and Remonstrants and Roman Catholics, the great harlot of religious Rome (Rev. 17).

    Mitchell keeps showing he is not a Christian. OSAS Arminian is not a contradiction, for to give your life to the God who keeps is much different than giving your life to God who doesn't necessarily keep/with the option to leave (non-OSASer). Then there is Calvinism that teaches you didn't even receive the free choice to get saved in the first place, and just as you are forced into it or denied it irresistibly, you remain that way like a robot.

    It's not a matter of being closer or father away from OSAS Arminian or Calvinism. They are opposite sides of the spectrum so you are either or.

    Open theists teach God is not all knowing. Since Mitchell admits he is an Open Theist, that tells me he rejects the God who is all knowing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mitchellmckain
    Human free will: No. I reject this.
    God provides sufficient grace to us all to have the free choice. That's why He can say to us...

    "If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it" (Isaiah 1.19-20). If a person couldn't offer would not God have said so? That is sort of an important point to leave out. See Lev. 22.18; 23.38; Numb. 15.3; Deut. 12.6; 2 Chron. 31.14; Ps. 119.108.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mitchellmckain
    Conditional Election: No. I reject this.
    God elects by foreknowing our free choice. Whoever repents and comes to the cross is elected in God's eyes. Mitchell prefers Calvinism's unconditional election where a person is saved by irresistible grace; that is, forced into salvation or perdition with no free choice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mitchellmckain
    Claim of evidence for God, which I refuted to say that we do have evidence. We know that there are events which occur where what happens has no cause within the premises of the scientific worldview and thus no cause which is in any way demonstrable. This includes the appearance of virtual particle pair from nothing as long as they then disappear back into nothing quickly enough.
    Romans 1.20 says we are without excuse because nature proves God's existence. So Mitchell worships a false god of blind faith, whereas God of the Bible wants us to receive Him by the evidence.

    Just because you are not smart enough to know the cause to some things is no reason to believe something comes from nothing. That would be the height of arrogance!

    There are no scientists who are Christians or monotheists who claim something comes from nothing as atheists do. Mitchell is defending the faith of atheists.

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