
The players are getting older and older with very little new and young prospects so I don't think r2sports Edmonton Interclub league will ever take off not even in 5 years from now so I would just cancel it since it is an unnecessary distraction. Rankings that matter are Racquetball Canada only. I could be wrong but I just don't think it will ever work. I would bite the bullet on that one.

But I have another idea. Promote GARC vs. L.A. Fitness since the repairs at GARC are going to be delayed. When GARC is finally shut down sometime next year for renovations GARC players would play for Kinsmen against LA Fitness. Luke, Connor, Ethon, myself, Ryan, Marc, Gerry Lemire, etc. would play for the Open division for GARC. And there could be a B division as well with Lloyd, Bernie, Joe and the rest of the gang from GARC. Keep it simple just these two clubs and say 4 players per team. Eventually there could be 5 Open and 5 B teams from 5 clubs: Kinsmen, LA Fitness, GARC, Nait and U of A. That's good enough.

On second thought that's a bad idea because I am permanently banned from the ARA and the league would likely require ARA membership unfortunately. I don't suppose Barbara May and John Halko are leaving the ARA anytime soon? One could only hope.

Quote Originally Posted by Allen Bauman
Troy I'll give your comments some thought, you could be right but want to give it more time yet. It's quite early and nothing happens fast in Racquetball but the game itself.

My understanding as far as ARA goes is that you need only ask to be allowed to join back which you have never done directly with John. There will likely be conditions of some kind with regard to your blogging and past comments. However that would be something you sort out with John not me.


Allen Bauman
I would take exception to that because as you know Barbara May lied to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence so when I publically exposed her for doing so, I was banned which is of course completely unethical. This would need to be addressed first which has been avoided by them. A formal apology would suffice. To appeal to the 'partners in crime' John Halko and Barbara May would be like the one who was raped having to appeal to his rapist to be allowed admittance into the community. I will continue to stand on righteous ground!

And I will continue to blog about this because it is the right thing to do which shows up on Google searches. I will not be censored! Since John Halko won't allow me to be a member of the ARA because of this any request would be denied and discrimination would continue as you said restrictions from free speech would be enforced. Barb and John did not anticipate how the Internet preserves and exposes their misappropriation of power. I do love the support I get from people that they agree John Halko and Barbara May are being unethical, e.g. Milton Iwaasa and many others support me, and that this is not even a banning issue, but I tell you as I tell them the longer the ban goes on, the worse John and Barb look. People remember martyrs for a true cause. Besides, it doesn't even benefit me to play in Alberta tournaments so I lose nothing. 5 of the top 10 players in Canada are in Saskatoon and I travel to the 3 national events per year as well. Alberta is completely bypassed.

But I think we both know the real reason this ban took place, because Barb and John are antichrist; that is, they reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, so according to the Bible they are going to Hell. They know I know this about them so their abusive behavior continues in retaliation! Not so much unlike how the Apostles were put to death for their faith in Christ. Let us remember in the spirit of Barry Ould what he said very aggressively that sums up the picture well, "You are not allowed to talk about Christianity at racquetball." And Cam Bourque said, "You're a fanatic for believing in Jesus." In response, I said to Cam Bourque, "Who's really the fanatic? Christians or you? since you cheat on your wife. What love is that?" Religious discrimination and cover ups are afoot in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada our own backyard. Make no mistake about it! There could be a little jealousy in racquetball thrown into the mix as well since Cam, Barry, John, Manny and Marc have never beaten me at racquetball. I consider all these actions the product of men's flesh that needs to die on the cross with Christ. I'm reminded by what Colum Barry said (read here).

For further discussions surrounding this matter,

Quote Originally Posted by Allen Bauman
So once again you have mistaken me for someone who cares about your plight. I don't, never have and never will. I will talk to you, I will play against you but I don't agree with you or anything you have to say with this regard. You need to move on and quit living in the past. Don't get me started about religion, religion is the current root of all problems currently in the news. Hypocrites every last one of them. You don't need religion to be a good person, you actually need ethics and morality which isn't the same as religion.

No reply necessary, thanks.

Allen Bauman
“Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them” (Eph. 5.11). Silence from sin means you condone it! There are so many verses to describe yourself Allen: "Woe is me, because I have held my peace" (Is. 6.5), and "And refrain not to speak in the time of salvation" (Eccl. 4.28)." "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." "When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long" (Ps. 32.3).

I am not under any delusion that you could care less about the unethical behavior at the helm of the Alberta Racquetball Association. Remaining a silent sinner is still sinning. I remember our hot tub conversation in 2012 at the Mayfield, but I am saddened to hear you are the same person and have not changed. You still reject Christ. The difference between you and me is I show you why I disagree with you (with evidence), but you don't show why you disagree with me other than hostility and false accusation. Still to this day nobody has been able to find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles seeing Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings. You can't ask for a better proof that Jesus is God. God provides the best proof of His existence so you are "without excuse" (Rom. 1.20).

Living in the past? Chalk that up as your own sin bearing false witness. I live in the here and now. I emailed you simply to suggest a better approach to racquetball in Edmonton with the understanding that, of course, I would not be able to participate, and I am fine with that. I care about racquetball. I invited you to play racquetball and you declined, so forgive me if I don't consider your willingness to play me as genuine. A person's withheld sin still remains with them. It never really goes away. It needs to be repented of or continues to be a weight on you.

Allen you are antichrist, rejecting Jesus as Lord and Savior, and therefore, you most certainly are going to Hell. The mistake you are making is not distinguishing between false religion and true religion. You throw everything in together undiscerningly. Religion is the way to God. The Bible says "pure religion is undefiled before God" (James 1.27). 200 million people died in the 20th century alone not having anything to do with religion, but their own power like the power wielded by Barbara May and John Halko banning me for life. Stalin (atheist) killed 40 million, Mao (atheist) killed 60 million, and Hitler (rejects Christ) killed 30 million. These are your best buddies you are defending since they are anti-religious also.

All you need to do is ask, Would Jesus do that? Of course not. Since Jesus is proven to be God, He died on the cross for the sins of the world and resurrected the 3rd day, to reject what He did for you will end you up in the Lake of Fire, that domain God created for those who want to be eternally separated from Him. You're a sinner. To pay for that sin Hell is the verdict. Not so much unlike how we have to lock up some people in jail for life for the protection of others. But God's mercy is great! He enters His creation to save you, but you reject it. Only God can bridge the gap between you and Him. So what else can God do with you but send you to Hell, because obviously, you can't be with His elect, for there is no sin and selfishness in the New City and New Earth.

You do need religion to be a good person, because without Christ, you live in your 'good self,' self-exalting yourself above God, the greatest sin of all and rejecting His only begotten Son. The fool says in his own heart, "There is no God" (Ps. 14.1). Satan will allow you to do many good things as long as you never receive forgiveness from God and remaining in Satan's grasp. You said you are a good person, but you are not being good because you don't stand up for what's right against the abusive behavior of John Halko and Barbara May. And you admit you don't care what abusive behavior they engage in so how is that good? This is just one of your selfish or sinful acts. There are thousands more! You're being bad. Remaining silent is your sin on the board of the Alberta Racquetball Association so when you claim you are being ethical and good, in reality, you're the opposite of that. Of course, you probably don't have a conscience to realize it even after I just explained it to you, but that's the difference between having a conscience in Christ and one of your own devices.

The irony of your accusation is you are living in the past, because you are one of the board members of the Alberta Racquetball Association and continue to ban me from playing in Alberta sanctioned racquetball tournaments. I didn't do that. You did it! The abuser is still being abusive. You can understand the need to expose you according Eph. 5.11.

Ethics and goodness flow from religion, that is the religion of the Bible, for the 66 books of God's word is God's redemptive design. Rejecting God's design and remaining in your sins and self-centered view is your downfall. You want another way but it is a selfish way. You fail most assuredly just as Cain and Adam did in their disobedience, independency and rebellion against God. Whereas Abel gave an offering not of his own works or self-strength but a lamb representing Christ, and God received Him. Amen.