Spacetime is a proven fact so space without time is a fantasy. But let's play your game of timeless space and see if your theory holds up.

An object that is infinitely small is still small so it still has dimensions. Therefore it is a contradiction to say something is infinitely small. Whereas God is not infinitely small, but spaceless and timeless.

When you say something has no spatial existence and also say it has 1 unit size, again, mindlessly, you contradict yourself because 1 unit size has dimensions.

If there is no time in space it would require that it always exist, and no time as you say, but if it were true that nature always existed, you would have happened already, having had endless cause and effect to do so. Again, you contradict yourself.

Everything you said as explained shows you have violated natural laws of cause and effect and an environmental non-temporal existence. Satan in your heart is the author of confusion.

Everything you said also contradicts your 'something from nothing theory' because you said previously it was an object infinitely small. An object that is infinitely small is not nothing, but it is something. So no something from nothing!

If you can't understand these blatant contradictions it is because you limit yourself mindlessly by shutting your mind down creating a warped mindset. God has given you the free will to be obstinate.

Limitations approach a point, yet never reaching that point; but we are not talking about limitations, we are talking about 'cause and effect' that is always observed and can't be violated. And by cause and effect -- a law of the universe -- you would have happened already having had an eternity to do so. Self-contradictory theories expose a theory as false!

You're confused. There is no mystery about that.