
For a quick summary this is my finding. No new idea was introduced by the atheist Juliet that I have not heard before. It comes down to this. We have substantial evidence for the resurrection of Christ using just the minimal facts approach from James the brother of Jesus to Paul, written and oral tradition, the earliest creeds in 1 Cor. 15 and Acts, Peter and John's testimony. All these first hand eyewitnesses wrote about the resurrection in a total of 11 different group settings, witnessing the resurrection of Jesus Christ themselves. There are the other accounts as well in the NT. The apostles all went to their death we are fairly certain given the documentation in the first and second century. Nothing in antiquity is more well documented that the death, deity and resurrection of Jesus. Place this in the backdrop of a very timely religio-historical context, it provides wonderful meaning and purpose among 40 writers from the New and Old Testaments over 1500 years, 62 prophecies in Christ fulfilled, miracles performed that are really unmatched in their work and depth. In my experience, I still have not found any mistakes in the Bible and hundreds it seem have been attempted in being thrown at me. Really no religion compares to the resurrection and deity of Christ to atone for sins. In fact, no religion has even made quite such a claim for their god to enter into creation to provide salvation. And skeptics can find no naturalistic explanation for the resurrection of Jesus. Other religions can be found at fault very easily, but nobody can find anything wrong with bare bones Christianity.

Compare the above substantial evidence to the idea of the atheist Juliet who says the universe has always been existing in the eternity of the past and she or he argues for the possibility of something in nature causing itself. Most scientists give no support or consideration to such an idea for in our experience in human history nothing we have ever seen in nature is without a cause. All effects precede a cause. So, if all things have a cause, then what is the ultimate cause if it cannot be something in nature? The only known answer to this question is the uncreated is the creator of this intelligent design. Who is the uncreated? That answer is revealed in the paragraph above.

Now what is said here is perfectly reasonable, so we can easily surmise the cause of some people not accepting the reasonability of this information is because they are bad people. They are trying far and wide to find some cunning rationalization for why the universe has always been existing in the past to rationalize their rejecting God of the Bible which of all the adherents in the world none can compare. And in my own experience before I was saved I was just too interested in the world to give salvation any consideration. I can imagine both groups of people. Those who are too busy in the world, but also those who go the ends of the earth to rationalize their hostility to God of the Bible. Both groups are equally unsaved, but the group that goes to the ends of the earth to rationalize God away is more likely in trouble because they have be one on one against God for some time, formulating their rationalizations against him. It does not take that long to be born again after first considering Christ.

One major, and perhaps the biggest, problem in thinking by the atheist is in their misreading the Proof. How can you even begin to deal with the Proof of God of the Bible if you misread it at the start and don't know its exact intricacies? If you conceive it to be something other than what it is, you are arguing against something else, and not the 4 Step Proof, which ties in well with Step 3, not to try to disprove some god, for this is the God of the Bible we are dealing with. If they could only just read the 4 Step Proof as is and let go of their preconceived notions of the Proof, this would go a long way to deliverance. For example, people have their ideas about some cosmological argument, but as you read the 4 Step Proof in its simplicity, you realize it is not like cosmological arguments. The 4 Step Proof is unto itself the Perfect Proof for God and is the same Proof God gives in the Bible. While the Bible proves itself with this Proof, the Proof also by itself proves the Bible.

Conclusion: for someone to not accept Christ into their life is sure death and I don't mean only physical death, but also spiritual death to live out one's conscious existence in hell for all eternity in their separation from God's own people. Some hope they can just cease to exist, but this would mean there are no consequences even though you are made in God's image. Spiritual life is never so complicated as people think, but also never so simple. Ergo, how you respond to Christ today will determine how you live out in eternity.

And that is that!