We who are saved are once saved always saved. If there is a possibility you could lose what you believe to be salvation it is not the salvation of the Bible. One indication this is true for you is by thinking baptism will save you. It cannot save you. God saves by regeneration. Whereas baptism of the Holy Spirit is something one experiences when ready after they are saved, for having died with Christ now one becomes buried, dies to the world and has that sense of a sojourner, and comes out of the water with Christ. Having this experience one may go and get baptized by water if they wish to let others know in the body of Christ they are members of the same body. But that baptism of the Holy Spirit itself is real and substantial entering into a deeper experience and consecration with the Lord. After that one can experience even further blessing of the dividing of their spirit, soul and body (Heb. 4.12) towards becoming an overcomer.