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Thread: For Humans this Solar System is All There Is

  1. #1
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    Default For Humans this Solar System is All There Is

    Human beings will never reach another solar system. Even at the speed of light it would take thousands of years. Even if there were aliens which there is not they could never reach our solar system anyhow.

    Aliens are only good for crazy people and makes for good movies.

    And all this talk of bending space to get to the other side is just silly nonsense.

    So every time you see someone talking about aliens, realize they are quacks and turn the channel.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Human beings will never reach another solar system.
    Not with that attitude..

    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Even at the speed of light it would take thousands of years.
    Alpha Centauri Bb is 4.3 light years from our sun. There is evidence a planet orbits this star, although this has (to my knowledge) not been scientifically confirmed.

    Tau Ceti e is approximately 11.9 light years from our sun. A terrestrial (rocky or metallic) thermoplanet planet orbits inside its habitable zone. So your estimate of how long it would take humans (traveling at light speed) is off by a factor of 168.

    There are plenty of extra solar planetary systems within just 50 light years from our solar system.

    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Even if there were aliens which there is not they could never reach our solar system anyhow.
    Why? What if they started their journey 20,000 years ago and just reach earth today?

    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    Aliens are only good for crazy people
    Crazy people can talk about non crazy things and turn them into an insane ideas, sure.

    I've seen many crazies make a mockery of many religions. That in its self does nothing to prove or disprove the validity of the concept.

    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    ...and makes for good movies.
    Or bad movies..

    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    And all this talk of bending space to get to the other side is just silly nonsense.
    Based on what exactly? You did not elaborate why such a idea is "silly nonsense"..

    What about all of the other things once thought to be silly or impossible and today are accepted or been proven to be true?

    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    So every time you see someone talking about aliens, realize they are quacks and turn the channel.
    If you are getting your information about the theoretical existence of extra terrestrial life from television, you are starting in the wrong place.

    The television show Ancient Aliens is not where we get our hypothesis's about extraterrestrial life...

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheLogicalRationalist View Post
    Not with that attitude..
    The Bible says we will reach another solar system by the New City with walls 216 feet thick and 1379 x 1379 x 1379 miles with God and the Lamb at the center. You can't do it on your own. You would need God. You're only deluding yourself otherwise.

    Alpha Centauri Bb is 4.3 light years from our sun. There is evidence a planet orbits this star, although this has (to my knowledge) not been scientifically confirmed.

    Tau Ceti e is approximately 11.9 light years from our sun. A terrestrial (rocky or metallic) thermoplanet planet orbits inside its habitable zone. So your estimate of how long it would take humans (traveling at light speed) is off by a factor of 168. There are plenty of extra solar planetary systems within just 50 light years from our solar system.
    Exactly. It would take generations and generations.

    Why? What if they started their journey 20,000 years ago and just reach earth today?
    You can live your life on that expectation but it is just fantasy. No such technology exists without the aid of God.

    Crazy people can talk about non crazy things and turn them into an insane ideas, sure.

    I've seen many crazies make a mockery of many religions. That in its self does nothing to prove or disprove the validity of the concept.
    Of course alien seekers are crazy since aliens don't exist. Not enough planets exist in the universe from the 800 variables required for life to exist.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by John View Post
    The Bible says we will reach another solar system by the New City with walls 216 feet thick and 1379 x 1379 x 1379 miles with God and the Lamb at the center. You can't do it on your own. You would need God. You're only deluding yourself otherwise.
    Could you please provide me the passage and translation that states anything about extrasolar systems?

    Exactly. It would take generations and generations.
    Ummm.... You said "Even at the speed of light it would take thousands of years.".

    Lets do a simple math problem:

    If one light year is the distance light travels in a vacuum, and Tau Ceti e is 11.9 light years from our sun. How many years would it take you to reach Tau Ceti e if you are traveling at the speed of light?

    You can live your life on that expectation but it is just fantasy.
    I never said I expect an alien species to arrive at earth after 20,000 years. Putting words in my mouth is quite a dishonest practice.

    I was attempting to illustrate that aliens (assuming they exist) could have feasibly started their journey a long time ago. Time + speed = distance. Add more time, you get a longer distance.

    No such technology exists without the aid of God.
    What technology are you referring to?

    Are you aware of the rate that technology progresses? Within one generation the human race went from being exclusively terrestrial, to unpowered primitive gliders, to the Saturn 5 rocket capable of reaching approximately 24,500 miles per hour. No deity(deities) required, just science.

    Or are you asserting that there is a limit to the extent technology can progress?

    Of course alien seekers are crazy since aliens don't exist.
    So essentially anyone who doesn't agree with you is crazy?

    Not enough planets exist in the universe from the 800 variables required for life to exist.
    I think you meant for not from.

    And could you cite me the peer reviewed scientific publication you are getting this information from?

    Kind regards: ~Robert~

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheLogicalRationalist View Post
    Could you please provide me the passage and translation that states anything about extrasolar systems?
    Gen. 1.1 took 13.8 billion years. God created perfectly. Rev. 21 talks about the New City without the need of the sun: "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof" (v.23). Such a city with walls 216 feet thick and 1379 x 1379 x 1379 miles can travel through the universe to other galaxies and solar systems.

    Ummm.... You said "Even at the speed of light it would take thousands of years.".
    Lets do a simple math problem:
    If one light year is the distance light travels in a vacuum, and Tau Ceti e is 11.9 light years from our sun. How many years would it take you to reach Tau Ceti e if you are traveling at the speed of light?
    Your fantasy life tells you that you can travel at the speed of light, but nothing in science agrees with you.

    I never said I expect an alien species to arrive at earth after 20,000 years. Putting words in my mouth is quite a dishonest practice.
    I was attempting to illustrate that aliens (assuming they exist) could have feasibly started their journey a long time ago. Time + speed = distance. Add more time, you get a longer distance.
    How can aliens feasibly start something when they don't exist? Pure fantasy. Hugh Ross has gone over 800 variables for life to exist on another planet and when multiplied together make life on another planet impossible, for there are no enough planets in the universe. Your expectation of the return of aliens is pure fantasy and delusion that you use to reject God.

    What technology are you referring to?
    Are you aware of the rate that technology progresses? Within one generation the human race went from being exclusively terrestrial, to unpowered primitive gliders, to the Saturn 5 rocket capable of reaching approximately 24,500 miles per hour. No deity(deities) required, just science.
    Or are you asserting that there is a limit to the extent technology can progress?
    There is no technology that humans have that can sustain life indefinitely without the sun as we see with the New City with God and the Lamb as its center that will arrive on the scene after the millennial reign of Christ on earth for 1000 years.

    So essentially anyone who doesn't agree with you is crazy?
    Correct since it is crazy to believe in aliens since aliens are proven false.

    I think you meant for not from.
    And could you cite me the peer reviewed scientific publication you are getting this information from?
    Kind regards: ~Robert~
    From for tomatoe tomato. I know Hugh Ross as done the work and cites many of those variables in his books. I am satisfied with that.

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