Quote Originally Posted by n2thelight View Post
The first earth age was inhabited by us, by our souls in a different form, there were no flesh human bodies then (animals yes). In that first earth age we all had spiritual bodies, in this earth age we have flesh bodies because we were created and formed from the dust of the earth.
You were doing so well up to this point. In the first earth age we did not inhabit. The first earth age was inhabited by creatures which now are the demons with their disembodied spirits. This is not us. Man is a completely different creation. The "dust" (Gen. 2.7) from which you speak of is the forming of our bodies, but don't say it "us" back then because man was not yet made in God's image in earth's earliest ages. We did not have spiritual bodies either, for God had not yet breathed in His Spirit to directly create man's spirit to make contact with the body to form the soul life.

When God destroyed that first earth age, the souls, the spiritual bodies returned to the Father (God), just as we do when we die in this earth age. But spiritual bodies leave no organic remains. When we die today, only our organic remains (flesh and bone) remain to be buried. Our soul, our spiritual being or spiritual body so to speak, returns instantly to the Father whom gave it.
Nobody returned to the Father, just as we don't when we die. We are resurrected together at the last harvest, last trumpet. Our spirit does not go one place, our body another place and yet our soul another place. We await resurrection together. What happened to those demons in earth's earliest ages was they were cast into the deep. Day 2 is the only day not called a good day when God split the firmaments, so when that day came to pass out came some of those demons and one of them entered the serpent to tempt Adam and Eve. They are disembodied. They love to inhabit creatures. Later on they married daughters of men and created the giants like Goliath. This was very unnatural; the demons did not keep to their place. Nobody is raised up to 3rd heaven yet, not even David, a man after God's own heart. Enoch was raptured and Elijah were raptured, but not to 3rd heaven, for remember, they will return as the two witnesses to die in the Great Tribulation.

In this present second earth age we have two bodies, one within the other, and they can only be separated by death. In the first earth age we only had the spiritual bodies. You know that when someone dies today we bury their body, but their soul goes back to God that gave it. It is this soul that will be judged either to Heaven or "Hell". But the deceased flesh that we bury simply rots back to the dirt and minerals that they are formed of.
We don't have two bodies. We have one body. When we die, we go to hades to await our newly clothed resurrected spiritual physical body. When someone dies today, they go to paradise below awaiting to be resurrected to paradise above, if they are saved. Those who are raptured alive, their bodies will actually disappear like Jesus' body, Enoch's and Elijah's.

Your spirit (your intellect) and your soul will either live forever or will be consumed in the lake of fire (Hell). Just as you will never find or see any physical remains of someone's soul, or spiritual body; neither will you find physical remains of those spiritual bodies that inhabited the earth in the first earth age. You will however, find the remains of their existence; the markings, tools, and the residue of settlements. But the spiritual bodies went back to the Father, and are now in the process of going through this second earth age, in flesh bodies. There is a reason for this (explained further on in this study). Every soul goes through each earth age only one time, but it is the same one soul! Use this as an analogy: At one time we were all infants, then children, and eventually adults, but it was always us, the same one person.
Your spirit is not your intellect. Your intellect is of your mind and your mind is of our soul with its functions of mind, will and emotion. Your spirit runs far deeper with its functions of intuition, communion and conscience. There are remains of those beings in earth's earliest ages, for they possess souls today. They are demons and they are all around us. The reason your soul will never be annihilated, nor will any one else be annihilated is because there is eternal consequences, and if all you have to fear is being extinguished, then that is no threat at all. But if you have to live out eternity in relation to how you responded to Christ, then you will reconsider.

Your reincarnation theory does not cut it. Man was made in God's image about 6000 years ago, not before as you suggest we were spirits before.
I've always said this,and I will say it again,had satan not sinned we would not be in flesh bodies.
It was actually Lucifer who sinned. Had he not sinned, God would have had no need to create man it appears, but even so, He may still have wanted to. It is interesting he tried to find obedience in the spirit beings, but since he could not, he then resorted to creating bodies of flesh and blood. It is as though the angels were too close to God and were too proud. But with man, He is redeemable even though fallen. Some are redeemable. To prove the case that angels were too close to God, notice God provides no salvation for them. It is already known they will never repent. They know nothing of the precious blood. The 24 good angels who are archangels (eldest elders of the universe; the number 24 represents their administrative work) in Rev. 4 know nothing of the washing of their white robes with the precious blood of Christ. All they can do is take up our prayers and praise God for redeeming us (Rev. 5). God could not find obedience in the angels, so He sought to have that obedience erected upon man and this is guaranteed through His Son and those who are in Christ.