Historical Events in Jewish Life that occurred on the 9th of AV

1200 BCE – The Children of Israel were told on the 9th of AV by God in the wilderness that their generation would not enter the land of promise by their refusal to join Caleb and Joshua and enter the Promised Land in faith of their G-d whom they met at Sinai.
586 BCE - The Babylonian army destroyed the Temple of Solomon on the 9th of AV.
70 CE - Titus and the Roman army destroyed the Temple of Herod on the 9th of AV.
135 CE - "Bethar" the stronghold of Bar Kochba, fell ending the last trial for Jewish Independence on the 9th of AV.
136 CE - Rome began to erect the pagan city on site of the Temple dedication on the 9th of AV.
1096 CE - The First Roman Christian Crusade began on the 9th of AV.
1290 CE - The Jews were expelled from England on the 9th of AV.
1306 CE - The Jews were expelled from France on the 9th of AV.
1492 CE – The Jews were expelled from Spain by the signed order of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. On July, on the 9th of AV, all Jews had to be out of Spain. Columbus, according to renewed historical data, a Genoese Jewish marine captain, sailed from Spain after worshipping the Shabbat on his last day in Spain before heading to America on the 9th of AV.
1648 CE - Chmelnicky massacred tens of thousands of Polish Jews on the 9th of AV.
1914 CE – The Declaration for World World I began.
1942 CE - Plans for the annihilation of Jews began with the deportation of the Jews from the Ghetto of Warsaw on the 9th of AV.
1994 CE, July 16 - The twenty-one pieces of Shoemaker-Levi comet began its bombardment on the planet Jupiter on the 9th of AV. It was fasting day in the fourth month, the 17th day of Tammuz, that the twenty one days of mourning began leading up to that day of infamy on the 9th of AV.
2006 CE –The Vatican sponsored Rome Peace Conference put the finishing touches on the Peace Accord that successfully implanted the international forces of NATO into Lebanon and the northern borders of Israel on the 9th of AV.

Source: http://destination-yisrael.biblesear...sh-temple.html