Quote Originally Posted by spiritualman View Post
All one had to do was hear the simple word of truth, believe it, confess Christ as the Son of God, repent of ones sins, and be baptized into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for remission of sins.
By this quote alone we could reason that, likely, many Pentecostals will be saved. They have more than likely professed with their mouth and believed in their heart, so they will be saved. Period. Also, by virtue of Luke 7:47, we see that faith is not the only route to salvation. Love, which is greater than faith, is also efficacious for salvation, and there undoubtedly are some Pentecostals who love enough to be saved, regardless of a lack of saving faith.

Additionally, "gibberish" is exactly what Paul had in mind when he penned 1 Corinthians 14:2. Many of my Christian friends speak in tongues that sounds like repetitive gibberish, and I have done it once, and I know it is legit. I know that they are mature enough to distinguish true spirits from false, and I know that when I spoke in "gibberish"--the Spirit--that I received more of the Holy Spirit as I spoke. It literally indwelled me in greater amount the longer I spoke in a tongue.

Now, do I believe that Pentecostals are speaking literal gibberish, meaning that there is no spiritual truth to it? Categorically, yes. I believe most Pentecostals don't realize the truth of speaking in tongues, that it is between God and man, not a man speaking gibberish to himself. I believe most Pentecostals haven't been baptized in the spirit, and that they are spiritual infants. Does that deny their faith? Of course not. It simply means that when the rubber of their faith hits the road of the Great Tribulation, something's gotta give, and it won't be the persecution. Like it says in Ephesians, the Bride will be spotless, without such as a wrinkle. The faith of the Pentecostals will be purified. Just have faith and let the Lord do His work.

Now, do I believe that the Pentecostal church will experience a "falling away"? No doubt. No denomination is impervious to false brethren. But I also believe denominations built on falsehood--like the Pentecostal church--will experience a greater falling away. However, there will be Pentecostals who repent of their doctrine that tongues must be present for a believer to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, and they will be saved based on the authenticity of their faith. I believe it is simply a matter of false doctrine, rather than false faith (for some people, anyway).

Ultimately, it is Jesus and the Holy Spirit who will be the Judges of the human race, and we should leave judgement of salvation/condemnation to them.