To all whom it may concern:

Being a Christian, I find it a bit troubling when I come upon a forum like this. I am not sure how to best discuss the situation, so I believe I will do so by stating my viewpoint in a respectful manner, and answering any replies with scriptural points.

I am not a perfect Christian. I have done many bad things in my life, and I regret them. However, as I have the Holy Spirit guiding me, I can tell when there's something really, really bad going on. And that's the feeling I'm getting now.

Troy, all I have seen in your questions and in most of your posts, is a need to criticize, demonize, judge and attack. What I have seen is you making issues such as the Rapture, Creation, speaking in tongues, etc. and turning them into 'identifiers' as to whether or not someone is a true Christian.

[removed inordinate reviling]