Imagine if Edmonton had a city wide league across the Glen Allan Recreation Complex, Kinsmen Sports Centre, University of Alberta, NAIT and Millwoods Recreation Centre. Join the Edmonton Racquetball Ladder if this interests you. I doubt it will take off because it doesn't appear to be what people want. They seem to want to just play at their own club and play doubles which doesn't help their singles game. I guess that's why there is nobody but myself from northern Alberta in the top 50 in Canada. Racquetball has totally slowed to a crawl in the greater Edmonton area.

For over a decade now, I have noticed the ARA and ERA, specifically John Halko, Barbara May, Gordon Cutting and Marc Caouette, have failed to draw in any new talent for the Edmonton area. For years I have told them to go after elementary schools, but they choose to just sit on their fat asses and do nothing
(and when I say 'fat' I'm not speaking metaphorically only). After all these years I was quite surprised to see how fat John Halko and Barbara May got. We're talking pigasaurus type weight which is a manifestation of their sin nature taking the reigns.

To make matters even worse John Halko and Barbara May have banned me for life since 2009 from playing in sanctioned tournaments in Alberta which is abusive to say the least, to cover up their own negligence that I publically exposed. I know that if there was a business that needed managing, I would not be comforted as a shareholder if they were in charge nor inspired by their lack of creativity, poor choices and slothfulness over the years.

I find it exceedingly evil when someone is treated the way they treated me in order to deflect and cover up Barbara may lying to protect her hide. I know if I did something like that to someone I would feel guilty. But they don't have a conscience to feel that way.