The Holy Spirit told me Ryan Blackmore is not a Christian; and therefore, according to the Bible he is going to Hell because:

1) He never gives the gospel of salvation to anyone as he has not been regenerated--no changed heart, quickened spirit, eternal life--to do so, but as Matt. 10.32,33 says, if you are unwilling to confess the Lord Jesus to others, He will deny you before the Father in heaven. If you are ashamed of Him, He is ashamed of you (Mark 8.38). There is no such thing as a silent Christian. If the Church was dependent on Ryan Blackmore, it would never exist. You would never hear about it. There would be no such thing as the body of Christ because in Ryan's hands it would never be brought up. It would be as if it never existed. For example, Ryan Blackmore will never give the gospel of salvation--and that includes mentioning Hell--to people such as Marc Caouette or Clifford Sustrik whom he plays racquetball with regularly. Where is the love in that, for they will go to Hell, never hearing of the gospel from Ryan. Does he really believe in the gospel of salvation then or care about others enough to share God's saving grace? Therefore, I must rebuke him in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I don't consider him a brother in Christ. His faith is his own subjective creation that fits his selfish proclivities (see below). Not everyone who claims to be a Christian is truly born-again.

2) A person is known by their fruit (Matt. 12.33). Ryan's fruit is using physical violence against people and is quick to anger (see James 1.19). He is aggressive and a hard person, exhibits passive-aggressivity and is on the verge of blowing up at any time! Even though I don't like his person, I am still willing to play him at racquetball, but he aggressively has stopped playing me, apparently for life, all because I pointed out his inordinate nose picking is unsanitary. I guess he is following after the hostile non-Christian triad of Manny Gregorio, Cam Bourque and Barry Ould who want me to apologize for something before they will play me again, but they fail to say what for. To me that's totally belligerent and ignorant! When Colum Barry asked them who is the best racquetball player in town, Manny said John Halko, Cam said Manny, and John said himself. Then Colum said, "None of you guys could hold a candle to Troy," and they all got upset. It shows in the ranking: I was in the top 10 in Canada last year (top 20 now); they are ranked in the 70-80's. Manny jealously retorted, "Troy improved his rankings by manipulating the system." I appreciated Colum's remarks. I think I should buy him dinner for his kind words. What Colum did not understand though is when he said they are "cliquey group," he didn't realize their hostility stemmed from the fact they are not Christians and get quite aggressive against believers. For example, Barry Ould came up to me and said, "You are not allowed to talk about Christianity at racquetball." And all this hostility follows upon Barbara May (also not a Christian) and John Halko (definitely antichrist) banning me from the Alberta Racquetball Association for exposing Barbara May when she lied to protect her hide which was at my expense to cover up her own negligence. What an evil thing to do! Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive. - Sir Walter Scott (Marmion, 1808)

Back to nose-picking...If I had this problem and it was pointed out to me, I would attempt to repent and change my bad behavior. Not so with Ryan. He is even more emboldened to dig deeper. I pray for him to cease and desist and maybe he will one day or from time to time to prove he is not a nose picker; but I'd hate to go on another road trip with him and be subject to another round of nose picking for 7 hours. It's like a bottomless pit. I can't even get in his vehicle because I know he is still digging away and puts his nose pickings on the steering wheel, dashboard, etc. It totally grosses me out!!! I think most people would feel the same way, especially in my shoes, and experiencing Ryan's violent outburst if you mention it or any other number of matters. The evil spirit finds ground to work in one's passivity. The more you get to know Ryan the more you discover this about him. He is passive, but always broiling underneath, then he gets aggressive even violent which is characteristic of an abusive personality. It is unkind. It's uncomfortable being around him because you never know when he is about to blow a fuse and go ape shit. Other times he feeds a violent rage that I had to listen to for several minutes at a time directed at some person. I am just sitting there taking it in and thinking to myself, Ryan is a weirdo! He exalts his inordinate nose-picking as though it is perfectly fine even though the Bible says let no man be found among you being unclean due to bodily emissions, otherwise God will turn away from you (Deut. 23). Moreover, he rejects Heb. 4.12 pertaining to the dividing of spirit, soul and body which could help him to overcome if he was in Christ. He also doesn't side with brothers in Christ when they are being attacked by non-Christians. He actually sides with the latter--going with the crowd--for that is the worldly thing to do. I've had this experience with him. He's a coward. Who needs enemies with friends like that? Whom you align yourself with you will be judged with. A Christian could never find solidarity with Ryan because he is too prideful and self-centered. Humility is severely lacking.

3) The Bible says not one tittle of the law shall pass till all these things be finished, but Ryan rejects the law at least as it pertains to his own sins. He will pick and choose. Marcionites reject the law as too harsh so you can rationalize any selfish or sinful behavior. But without the law bringing its full weight to bear, you could not truly know sin and consequently, God's grace.

4) Ryan claims Mormons are saved even though they claim God the Father use to be a man and that they always existed alongside God in eternity past as spirits not as created beings. Mormons claim they will be gods of their planets. They also believe in salvation by works even though the Bible teaches we are not saved by works lest anyone should boast. If you are not for Him who He truly is, you are against Him (Matt. 12.30). The Bible says there are none beside God, none before Him, and no gods after. He is alone from everlasting. By claiming Mormons are saved and members of the body of Christ, you are engaged in some twisted warped pseudo-universalism.

5) Ryan despises any sort of organization of the Church, but Heb. 10.25 says don't forsake assembly of the Church. I don't know any Christian that takes his stance. We who are in Christ don't know his god.

I've never met anyone in Christendom or outside of Christendom who has ever given their lives to Christ past the age of 40 except a friend Arnold, so I highly doubt Ryan Blackmore in his 60's will do so now. If he were going to give his life to Christ he would have done so by now. Arnold recently met Ryan by happenstance and said with regard to these matters he sees Ryan's problem is pride. Ryan has a problem of self-exalting himself even though he is the nerdiest of all nerds. Aside from his looks, his nerdiness stems from his actions such as wearing construction gloves on both hands when he plays racquetball. Talk about someone stuck in their bad habits and unwilling to change. It's completely illogical. He has many other characteristics that are typical of the nerd personality. There is nothing wrong with this per se if they can't be changed because they are characteristics given by God, but many of Ryan's nerdy elements can and ought to be given up.

I mentioned to Arnold that Ryan's belly has gotten quite big in the past couple of months due to stress and Arnold noticed it too. In fact, we were trying to identify the person Arnold was talking to in the hot tub at GARC and discovered it was Ryan by his belly how it really sticks out. I guess the Zone Diet that he has been on for years is not working out for Ryan as much as he had hoped. Though there is some truth to it, it still takes discipline to implement which Ryan has been slipping on, similar to his lack of discipline picking his nose profusely. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I prefer the China Study more which examined various societies around the globe that don't eat any meats. They have virtually no incidences of cancer. The Zone Diet significantly favors meat.

Why does someone get fat all of sudden so quickly whence before they were not? It's because something is wrong in their heart. They are clinging to pride. They are being lazy. Or they are relying on their own strength rather than being led by the Holy Spirit. People rarely appreciate these words as the real reason and chalk it up to genetics, depression and giving up. Don't let Satan plant these thoughts in you.

My prayers go out to Ryan he need not remain this way. Let us not be coy and aloof with regard to our sins.