He is not actually banned, just deleted and not only deleted for this one post but a myriad of repetitive misreadings and lame excuses for rejecting Christ. I chose to look at that cumulative nonsense of all his posts and say enough was enough. This is not a forum for answering someone's continued petty self. It's time to grow up! At some point one has to make that decision, because a person will continue on with such rationales all the way to hell, and Christians are not going there with him. The Lord led me to make this timely decision to remove sykoskakid.

Eve was from the same dust that Adam was from as indicated by the dust of the rib that formed man's body also. Do you see how your petty self misreads the meaning of woman being taken from the rib of man? This is not a mystery, and we know. Moreover all dust of all preadamic men around the globe entered into God-consciousness because as the first man was made in God's image, he took upon all men unto himself to also be made in God's image. Ergo, a diversity of genetic code is maintained. God had no intention of explaining every line of every generation, but instead gave the direct line to Jesus Christ from the first God-conscious man - Adam.

Man can't guard against defects because the flesh is already utterly corrupted it as sin begets sin. The fleh must die and cannot be salvaged. The only way to salvation now is not re-entrance into the garden but receiving the atomenent of the cross and dying on the cross with Christ in co-crucifixion. I have already died with Christ, have you? If not you are going to hell.