Consider this fact. Gen. 1.1 says God created perfectly. It doesn't say how long it took. We know it to be 13.7 billion years.

Gen. 1.2 says God made desolate and waste (about 65 million years ago) due to the sin of the inhabitants of earth's earlier ages (200 million to 65 million years ago). There were about 65 million years from the desolation to the restoration and Adam and Eve.

Similarly there is a time to be with the Lord after being in soul sleep, but for each person that time is different because we are all born at different times and die at different times. But the person in soul sleep when he wakes will not notice any time has passed because he was unconscious the whole time. 1 Thess. 4.18 is very important to comfort each other with these words that we will be resurrected together, thus, nobody has gone to 3rd heaven yet nor Hell either. When the books are opened the determination is enacted for those who go to Hell.

Nobody immediately goes to heaven or hell upon death. There is the interim period of soul sleep either in Abraham's bosom (Paradise below, good side of Hades) or where the Rich Man went (bad side of Hades).

The Scriptures have proven this fact. Read the many verses supplied here,