Quote Originally Posted by Oculus Infernus
"An it harm none, do as thou wilt." -Wiccan Rede
I came to this site from a link on a humor site where people were amazed at the closed-minded views of these forums and the heavy handedness of its management. I'm curious to know, what exactly are your qualifications to teach these things? Do you have a degree in theology and if so, from where? The world has more than enough false preachers going around claiming to be speaking for Jesus, he did a good enough job of it himself and doesn't need your interpretations. I suggest that you may wish to keep to simply discussing your beliefs and not passing judgement on others, whether they ask for your opinion or not. The correct answer to that person's question is not "Yes, you are a bad person" followed by your interpretation of the Bible, the answer is "That's for God to decide not me". The moment a self professed preacher stoops to the level of passing judgement I know for a fact that he is false.
God has already decided, and He reveals His decision to Christians about those in your condition who revile Jesus. Don't mistake this for me deciding, for it is God that reveals first. Seeking qualifications through degrees is not God's way. God speaks through the Holy Spirit, not through degrees. Your view is that of the worldly way, but it is not God's way. The world's way is the way of Satan for he is the god of the world.

If someone asks a fair question it can be discerned, but when someone is just being belligerent, this is not asking a fair question, but this is a person just self-exalting their selfish way of behaving.

Realize you judge yourself, I do not judge you. Don't pass blame onto me when it belongs on you. When you call people a liar that did not lie to you, you make yourself a liar as you seek to do harm. When you chose to call Jesus a liar, the judgment from God was already upon you as John 3.18 says, "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already" (John 3.18). Your problem is you don't believe the Word.

You are not really accusing me, but you are accusing God by accusing Him of being heavy handed, but what can He do? You call Him a liar, how then can He forgive you yours sins? This seems heavy handed to you when I tell you this truth, but it is the righteousness of God that He will do this.

Praise the Lord God will not judge me for calling His Son a liar for I do not. I believe in the Son of God, but you do not.

Here we find the meaning and application of these verses. Moreover, I do not stone you, but simply tell you that perdition is where you are going because you call Jesus a liar. God most certainly would judge me if I judged you of this, if I was like you and believed what you do, but I do not.

Luke 6:37-49 "And judge not, and ye shall not be judged: and condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: release, and ye shall be released:"

John 8:1-11 7 "And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her."

Understand why you are banned for claiming not to want to harm, yet you show you are harming, by calling, those who believed in the truth, to be liars. Be ashamed of yourself! While I point to Christ, you point to yourself. Also you said I speak for Christ, yet I am a member of the body of Christ, a simple hand or a foot in the overall body. I am but one member of the body of Christ. Also, to round out your banning, you accuse of self-proclaimed preacher, yet I am not self-proclaimed. What I have told is the truth, and it is all backed in the Word of God, that when you call Jesus a liar, you are going to hell for the Word says, the only way to the Father is through the Son.

It may be painful for you to hear the truth that you are a bad person who calls Jesus a liar, but this is what you do, and so what can God do but separate you forever in hell with Satan? Those who are saved can be thankful that God keeps you eternally separated from us. Praise the Lord! Amen.