Quote Originally Posted by Martin Wagner
We don't need two days to deal with your points, because the points you raise are what we in the adult world refer to as "P.R.A.T.T." arguments: Previously Refuted A Thousand Times. We have had professional apologists on the air, and even they would tell you, you're not even operating at Apologetics 101 level. You have not gotten beyond the basics in your attempt to defend your faith, and yet you think your knife will win you the gunfight. It's cute, but I am pretty sure that apologists who have a lot more real-world experience in debating would want to sit you down for a little fatherly chat.

So, to review. The burden of proof rests upon the person claiming the existence of the thing in question. To insist on the opposite is committing the shifting the burden fallacy. If Farmer Brown tell me he was abducted by aliens, it's not my job to prove to him it didn't happen, it's his job to prove to me it did.

Atheism is nothing but the rejection of theistic claims. If a theist defines his god in logically impossible ways (for instance, possessing the attributes of omniscience and omnipotence), then it is possible to say that that is a god that does not exist. But this is not necessary to justify atheism.

Bible quotes do not prove Biblical claims. That is what's known as a tautology.

So no, it doesn't look like you've learned anything. But if you must insist on fighting outside of your weight class, go right ahead. You might find self-flattery won't do much for you when you're actually in the ring.

Who says you need two days? I won the case in less than 5 minutes last time? I'm calling you again to put you on the spot again to expose you. Never in all of history have you refuted any of these points. If you did you could reproduce it here and now! I am using the same arguments scholars use; you have not been able to show otherwise. What I am presenting to you are the basics, foundational truths for us all.

Of course, I have gotten beyond that in my relationship with Christ and infilling of the Holy Spirit to walk daily bearing my own cross selflessly. It takes a lifetime to overcome the flesh whereas sin is immediate forgiveness by the spilling of His precious blood. We C

Christians put down knives and guns. We use logic and appeal to one's conscience. Remember, I am using th same evidence William Lane Craig and Gary Habermas us, and other scholars. Of course Craig is wrong on the point about a person being able to lose salvation once saved which is a subject he avoids as much as possible. But Gary Habermas and Mike Licona and other scholars are in complete agreement on OSAS.

The burden of the proof remains on the person who makes a claim about something. I am not making any claim at the outset of our discussion except that I am not making any claim. But you are making a claim that God does not exist so where is the evidence? To avoid dealing with this is shifting the burden when it belongs on you. Great lawyers in history agree such as Simon Greeneaf the burden is clearly on you. Using your own logic you are wrong. Observe: "If Farmer Brown tells me his position is God does not exist, it's not my job to prove to him it He does exist, it's his job to prove to me his position God does not exist is correct." Otherwise, he should take the position he is not sure which makes him agnostic.

You said "Atheism is nothing but the rejection of theistic claims"; in other words, you are saying God does not exist since theism is the belief in God. Where's the evidence the uncreated Creator does not exist? I am waiting. Your mistaken assumptions it is logically impossible for God to be omniscient and omnipotent bears no weight on the discussion because you can't show it. The fact that you use such an argument which itself is proven false shows you are not working on all cylinders.

Bible quotes are simply presenting the argument the Bible gives. That's not tautological anymore than repeating the evidence someone else gives who is alive today.

To sum up, you haven't learned anything. You are making the same logical errors. I admit I am not in your weight class, you are a bit on the heavy side, lol. I think you are projecting your own "self-flattery" whereas I will try to be Christlike.

Praise the Lord!