Get the book "The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah". Look at the shocking title on page 54. Read pages 58 and 61. On page 61 read half way down, they claim they are "Jehovah's true and ONLY prophets of God."

The book, "The Divine Plan of the Ages: The Great Pyramid" describes how JW's make their prophecies from the pyramids.

Harold Camping's May 21, 2011 prediction for the return of Jesus failed because it was based on a planet that was suppose to enter our solar system and never did. Funny. Same thing with Charles Taze Russell, founder of the JW's, he is based his predictions on nonsense like the pyramids.

Harold like Charles claimed Jesus came on those dates but it was invisible. Funny. Jesus said He will return just as He left bodily (Zech. 14.4, Acts. 1.11, Rev. 1.7).

Faithlessness has no faith to believe Jesus will do what He said He will do. Jehovah Witnesses are a faithless faith.

The reason I started this thread is I wanted to help Harold Aronson, a JW since he was 7 years old, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I think he is in his 50's or 60's now. He is a lost soul and confused. He hangs up the phone on me, so all I can do is post a post like this and email him the link.