I have NO hostility towards Believers and the Ekklesia of living stones Churchwork - but i do for an apostate counterfeit posing as christian by hoaxing and robbing others in the guise of a''christian'' church but are infact peddlers of Big business Inc. and a cash cow for pimps in the pulpit.

as for being born again I have enough wisdom to notice you pose as an 'apostle' yet your forum has No posters anymore.
how strange is this for 'apostle' to run out of converts and fellowship.

as you started this forum and people fellowshipped upon it even in a small way - now they have moved on -dare i point out - NOT MUCH OF AN APOSTLE -as a man WHO has been so unloving and uncaring for his 'sheep'.

could it be you called yourself an apostle and remained unanointed and unappointed for the love need was not found in you?
ummm something for u to ponder churchwork - as it is good to see yourself as others see you.......
not a nice picture i assure you.