Jesus agreed with the Father and Spirit before the foundations of the world, the Son would submit himself in perfect obedience to the Father in full reliance upon Him for all things to show us how to be. This is His purpose to guide us, so we no longer live but He lives in us by the Holy Spirit. Jesus emptied Himself of His independent attributes in the Trinity in the fullness of the Godhead bodily to be fully man.

You're not lvdyou, so why quote as though you were?

Hell is a place where the worm never dies. Free will is not truly free if you don't have the free choice to eternally separate yourself from God.

The unsaved "shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever" (Rev. 20.10), "and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire" (v.15).

It's difficult to be tormented if you cease to exist.

Nobody is in Hell yet, but many are in the grave later to be resurrected. Hell is not the grave, but the grave will be thrown into Hell one day.

"Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death" (Rev. 20.14).

Hell is not thrown into Hell, but death and the grave are thrown into Hell (Lake of Fire) which is the 2nd death an eternal separation from God and end thereof such as no more death and no more grave.

Grave, Hades, Sheol are all synonymous. This is the place of soul sleep, timeless unawares. It has both a good (Abraham's bosom where Lazarus went) and a bad side (where the Rich Man went). Whereas Hell, Gehenna, Lake of Fire are all synonymous. Hades is thrown into Hell, but Hell is not thrown into Hades.