My Phone Call to (FS Newshour Q-Line)

Re: John Loeffler and Jim Puplava of

I listened to your show this weekend and regarding your response about the 49 year resets and 7 year resets according to God's word that John called "forced," is it really forced if it is agreed by everyone? God knows man's sin, so this is why God wants it this way. And since the reset is foreknown would it not incentivise all lenders not to lend so carelessly, since 2015 is the next Jubilee year?

The reason I contacted you though is when you used the phrase "Bible thumping" and when Jim rejected the Biblical solution of the resets, the Holy Spirit wanted me to say something.

From this I could tell that neither Jim nor John were born-again by the attitude they take towards the Bible not to mention, they never speak of Jesus and who He actually is: our Creator and Redeemer by the cross who resurrected the third day. If you read the Bible as is intended I trust you would at least agree that you are going to Hell (which is not annihilation but eternal separation).

So the question for you, since the resurrection has been proven, proving Jesus is God and God is proven by the evidence of nature (I can detail these proofs later if you wish), do you guys feel vain according to your work and talents that you will never have eternal life and therefore, you must go to perdition where C. S. Lewis said, you lock yourself in Hell from the inside? This is a reflection on your character as a fellow human being and is considered selfish as you are unwilling to let God’s only begotten Son be your guiding principle in life to walk by the Holy Spirit. It seems to be problematic to reject what God has provided as the redemptive solution to man’s fallen nature.

Something to consider for the big picture!