Quote Originally Posted by knockknock View Post
How do you know that that isn't just a lie? If you've seen the fiction section of your local library, I could bet that several characters there rose from the dead. Of course, don't look in the since fiction section, because some of those ones seem to be decomposing and crave brains.
You admit the fictional section is fiction. Whereas the testimony of the disciples was never fictional. Church fathers knew the disciples, Paul knew some of them, other individuals in the Bible knew the disciples. Jesus is the most documented in antiquity. If Jesus is fictional then so is Plato and Aristotle and Caesar and Tiberius, etc. But no scholar is that obtuse. If you want to make such claims the burden of evidence is on you to show your extreme stance.

How is nature explained?
Look outside, all that you see and what you don't see in other light spectrums and the quantum world from the big bang to now.

I accept the fact we do not yet know everything about it, but we do know enough to understand that everything that happens in nature is a chemical reaction. What causes the chemical reactions? Structure? Maybe? Yes? Who knows. So, until it's discovered that there is a man in white robes with a beard looking down on a snow globe filled with what we know of space, I will more than likely not be convinced that we cannot learn more.
What causes chemical reactions? Other chemical reactions. Atoms, molecules, etc. God exists outside of time and space. He also created Heaven from which to perch on high in a dimension of His creation.

You don't need to know all things to know God exists otherwise you are making an unreasonable claim, claiming you effectively have to be God to know if God exists to be all knowing. Well, obviously, you are not God so you contradict yourself. You may want to be God but you're not.

It is already discovered God the Father and the Son are in 3rd heaven, because Jesus proved His resurrection and said He went there, so we can know He is there. Praise the Lord!

Now was that so hard?