Genesis 1.2 agrees with what happened 65 million years ago. Scientists are in agreement about this.

There are great floods over the planet throughout the millennia. There was one around the Mediterranean and Black Sea area in Noah's day. They've found over 100 sunken cities in the region.

When 1/3 of the angels fell they didn't die, for angels don't die because they are not in the flesh. Demons though were in the flesh and did die, for they went down to the abyss, the deep or the pit to await their day of judgment for Hell. They became disembodied spirits and the reason why day 2 was not called a good day like the other days is because when the firmament was split in the restoration after the desolation, unavoidably up came some of those demons that try to possess us today. One went into the serpent to tempt Eve.

"All things were made by Him" - principalities, powers and angels too.

If sin is man made then we would have no need for jails.

You don't need to worry about the whole Bible, just treat it like any other historical document to glean what facts historians do.

One of those facts is that they are virtually unanimous that the disciples truly believed they saw Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings. Since no naturalistic explanation can account for this such as group hallucinations and all possibilities have been exhausted and this is relatively simple (not rocket science) to figure out, thus we know Jesus raised Himself from the dead just as He said He would to prove He is God.