There will always be something we don't know or can't know and this goes on for eternity even if we could live for forever, but the ultimate source beyond the next best discovery does know and this is whom we call God or the uncreated Creator without knowing anything else about this transcendent ultimate cause.

Now that you know the transcendent cause exists just ask the question which is more real an absentee landlord or is revealed personally and is interactive? How can the source have standards less than our own?

Who in history called themselves God as well as proved it truly? Still to this day nobody is able to find a naturalistic explanation for the origin of the disciples' beliefs that they had seen Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings. For example, group hallucinations are impossible.

Over 99% of scholars in the past half century who do their primary work of investigating every aspect to the death and resurrection claim of Jesus whether they are Christian or non-Christian testify to the fact the disciples truly believed they had seen Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings.

All theories have been exhausted, none of which admittedly by those scholars fit the data of the claim by those original disciples.

Therefore, if a person doesn't give his or her life to Christ then it's like they have a big sign on their head saying, "I want to go to Hell" and so they shall.

Why are there 6 quarks and 6 leptons and 4 boson forces or energy movement variables to the Standard model of 16 particles, and 3 generations of matter called fermions? Such an elegant model, but why this arrangement?

Well there are 66 books of the Bible separating the union of Satan and man by the redemptive design. There are 4 creatures in Rev. 4 in heaven that view the whole universe's movements, and the Trinity is 3 Persons. The atom is made up of three particles: electrons, protons and neutrons. A quantum computer has 3 transistors: 0, 1 and 0/1 at the same time.

Either that or it is just a coincidence.