Re: berrytc44 - Youtube

I have 2 questions: #1 How is total depravity of man "idolatry"? #2 How can a free-willed creature freely enter into communion with God yet cannot exit out of that communion via free-will? Does their freewill get taken away once someone becomes a believer? I think you are inconsistent here.
Answer #1: Total depravity is an idol because it is erected in place of true repentance and faith in Christ to be regenerated for if you start with the assumption you must be irresistibly selected because of your idol of Total depravity, then you never truly come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. Satan's got you! What sneakier way is there for Satan to bring you to Hell with him if all he needs to do is get you to believe in a counterfeit salvation that may have the appearance of being Christian but is not.

Answer #2: There are three possibilities, but only the last one is true. Either you are irresistibly regenerated, salvation is by works so you can leave by your self-strength, or you can come to God genuinely as He would have you asking God to keep you since you can't keep yourself saved for no one can.

Answer #3: No, free will is not removed once one is born-again, since recall, the reason you are saved by the grace of God through faith is because you are the one who asked God to keep you and never let you go. God keeps His promises.

Also best quote of this whole video, "I know it doesn't really say rewards but its implied" Ha that argument is all you have to prove this is referring to believers yet you admit it doesn't say rewards. What are you even saying? I am sorry Troy you are not making sense.
If a Christian can be fleshly or spiritual, would there not be consequences? Why would Paul warn us not to live by the flesh as the unregenerates do if it didn't matter? Why does Rev. 2 & 3 says to "overcometh" if there is no reason to do so? Likewise, this is the context of Romans 8 also. It doesn't have to say the word "rewards" for it to be true. You wouldn't want to be petty. Those who reign during the millennial kingdom (Rev. 20.4) are not all believers just those who match the description in verse 4. Non-overcomer believers lose the reward in outer darkness, outside the light of reward of reigning with Christ for 1000 years.

The video in discussion: