Re: Rachella38 (Youtube)

Quote Originally Posted by Rachella38
Who are you saying aren't Christians? Pentecostals? My mom was a pentecostal & NOBODY can tell me she wasn't saved. She was more saved, than anyone I know.
She didn't speak in tongues, but she didn't condemn it either, like you're doing. That's wrong.

About speaking in tongues, the Bible says there's a tongue UNKNOWN, but to God.
It's an angelic tongue.
1 Corinthians 14:2 For he that speaketh in an [unknown] tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth [him]; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.
Then there's the cloven tongue where they spoke in Acts, and they knew what each other were saying. The cloven tongue is a tongue where you can understand foreign languages.

There was a church we went to when I was a little girl & I still remember it:
Speaking in tongues not permitted

That church will be judged for going against scripture:
1 Corinthians 14:39 Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.
When your mother (assuming she has not repented) comes before the figure before her when she wakes up, he will say to her, "I never knew you when you did not stand up against gibberish babble for this was a demonic spirit. Will you repent now?" She will say "No, I do not recognize you as my Lord." Then he will cast her into Hell. Your mother rejects Jesus. The same thing is going to happen to you, because you will not repent either before Jesus at the Great White Throne. You both use this as a point self-exaltation, an idol, that eternally separates you from God. And that makes me sad for you. God is just giving you what you want. You want an eternity of permissible gibberish babble. No gibberish babble is permissible. It is all demonic. How can you ask Jesus to allow demons into the New Jerusalem?

The Bible condemns gibberish babble and God condemns you claiming it is tongues. Read Matthew 6.7.

The tongue UNKNOWN is unknown to the hearer, not the speaker. To think the speaker must speak unknown gibberish and that it is actual words is total deception. There were many languages spoken out of 120 in Acts 2, so they knew several languages. The reason the 3000 could understand was because many knew these other languages.

Cloven tongues are

1) to cleave asunder, cut in pieces
2) to be divided into opposing parts, to be at variance, in dissension
3) to distribute

Cloven here has nothing to do with understanding gibberish babble or languages you are not familiar with. So you can forget the antics of Kenneth Hagin, Benny Hinn, Perry Stone and Kenneth Copeland. None of these characters are going to escape the wrath of God. None of them are going to be in the New City. They are lovers of money.

One way you can test this out is to get 5 different interpreters and they will always give you 5 different interpretations of the gibberish babble. Satan is the author of confusion.

You should not allow demonic elements into your church so that was a good thing they did preventing gibberish babble when you were younger. If someone is performing gibberish babble out loud in a meeting, you have a right to to pause the service and ask that person to leave so the body of Christ can receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. He will not work as long as that gibberish babbler is present in his spirit of dissension.

Forbid not to speak in tongues, that is, the gift of language and speaking in other languages, as long as you have an interpreter. 1 Corinthians 14 forbids nonsense which would include gibberish babble. The evil spirit finds openings through nonsense. We must do all we can to prevent the fallen angels and demons from finding their way into the Church. Put on the full armor of God.

It is not that the truth is unreasonable but it is unloved. Here are some more helpful passages.

Matthew 13 explains what happens to the the heart of gibberish babblers and others: "When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth not, then cometh the wicked, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side" (v.19).

Right when they are about to be saved Satan comes in and snatches them with a facsimile, simulated faith, of gibberish babble, so to them the baptism of the Spirit and infilling of the Holy Spirit becomes gibberish babble.

Crazy I know.