Re: Providential1611 (YouTube)

Quote Originally Posted by Providential1611
You cannot "unsave" me with your pontifications! You appear to suffer from a God-complex. You cannot affect my salvation with your stupid words. I am born again and washed by the precious blood of the Lamb. The fact that you are a Once-Saved-Awlays-Saved ranter, since you believe in your heretical doctrine of Security-in-sin, since you are an antinomian, I suggest you focus on Christ and His word, and leading people to the Lord. You can never convince me of the heretical Calvinist doctrine of Once Saved Always Saved.
The precious blood of the Lamb once-saves-always-saves. Since you don't want this salvation as the future continues and as you approach eternity, eventually you turn away from your faith having an eternity do so since no man can keep himself saved.

John 10.28 is clear as can be, those who are born-again, "they shall never perish."

You have a God-complex thinking you can keep yourself saved and thus save yourself to begin with. You were never born-again to begin with. It's easy to see.

Those who truly gave their lives to Christ gave their lives to the God who keeps and continues to work in us unto perfection. For those Christians who want to remain carnal in the interim, though they cannot lose eternal life, they will lose the reward of returning with Christ to reign during the millennium.

You are hard like Calvinists but in a different way. You're hard like the Roman Church non-OSASers always trying to work for their salvation. You work for your salvation because you could lose it any minute; whereas a Calvinist works hard because he doesn't really know if he was saved or not because it was never his choice according to his assumption of irresistible grace. Both are unsaved.

As Dave Hunt would say that would be a weird kind of salvation if you could get saved, lose it, get it back, to only lose it again. God simply won't waste his time with you. He simply won't save you to begin with, thus, you are unsaved.

Antinomianism is thinking you are saved without consequences. Of course that is not what I believe since I believe in the millennial kingdom, time of recompense, and loss of rewards for carnal Christians. 1000 years is a long time to spend in "outer darkness" outside the light of reward of reigning with Christ during the millennium.

When I tell you that you are not born again I am "focusing on Christ and His word, and leading you to Christ." Mentioning Hell is part of the Gospel. Who better to speak about Hell than you since you are under a false salvation?

I am not trying to convince you of Calvinism OSAS since that is false. There are two kinds of OSAS. The OSAS of Calvinism is where their god irresisistily imposes salvation on them into a salvation they can never get out of. Whereas Christians (OSAS Arminians) are saved by giving their lives to Christ asking God to keep us because we could never keep ourselves saved as you try to do in your self-strength.

Here are many more verses for OSAS,

My prayers sincerely go out to you to yet give your life to Christ one day. Amen.