Don Baker

The same message above to Martin Wagner was also sent to Don Baker, but Don Baker uses the opposite approach of claiming something in nature comes from nothing rather than an infinite regress.

Quote Originally Posted by Don Baker

What if I claim I have a million dollars in my pocket? I dare you to prove that I don't. You don't know where I live and you don't have the ability to search my pocket. Does that make me rich? By your "logic", it does. You're saying, "if you can't disprove X, then X must be true". This is called an argument from ignorance and it's a well known logical fallacy. It's a bad argument, but that's par for the course with apologetics.

The time to believe in a god in when there is some real evidence for a god. Got any?

You might also do a little research on quantum mechanics, zero point energy, and the big bang. The beginning of the universe is not, as you say, creating something out of nothing. It's more like nothing changing form (and keeping the conservation of energy). But all this doesn't matter because the burden of proof is on the person making the positive claim that there is a god. If you don't have any real evidence, I'll continue not believing, which is the CORRECT response to bullshit claims.

X = million dollars in your pocket.

If I can't disprove X then X must be true? That's not the approach I take at all.

Rather, not only can you not disprove God exists, but you can't overturn the evidence for why He exists and why atheism is false. He exists because the universe can't always have existed. The universe can't always have existed because we would have happened already having had an opportunity to do so.

I am standing on this other hill with an argument you have not addressed, while you stand on another hill arguing against an approach that someone else might take, but I do not. You did not address what I said to you.

That which is "nothing" doesn't exist. It is nothing. Nothing always is derived from nothing. Therefore, it can't change form into something. So the big bang and anything on the quantum level can't come from nothing, that which does not exist. That's like producing a rabbit out of a hat, a puff the magic dragon theory. Cute but fanciful.

Step 2 of the 4 Step Perfect Proof for God fully proves why something can't come from nothing,

Therefore, the universe was created out of something, adhering to the law of cause and effect. That cause would then be our only option left, the uncreated Creator who exists outside of time and space, no matter how unsettling this may be to your flesh and thus, accountability with consequences. God says we are accordingly "without excuse" (Rom. 1.20) if we deny His existence.

The burden of the proof lies on us both; I hold no such doublestandard and not treat others as I would like to be treated by saying the burden is only on them for what they propose. I have given you the reason which you haven't overturned the evidence for God and why atheism is false, but you haven't found ground for the burden that is on you that you posit no God or something coming from nothing. You would first have to show why God does not exist and then erect in its place how something can come from nothing as well as overturn the evidence why that cannot be possible. Unless and until you do so, you are deceiving yourself, others and actually leading people to Christ (saving souls from sin, self, Satan and Hell) because people can see you got no answer.