Re: foreverinchrist1

Quote Originally Posted by foreverinchrist1
You love the term Calvinist! Why? because a man by the name of John Calvin believed in Eternal Security. If You really studied the Bible and understood what it really teaches the only system that it true is the Reformed Faith.
I studied the Bible and understood, finding no verses for Calvinism, but certainly verses for Arminianism, and therefore Calvinism introduces a lie, reforming nothing.

By the way, I am not mad or troubled by the things you say, trust me. I use to teach and believe what you believe, so I am no stranger to it.
Sounds like a contradiction on your part. You were saved one way before, but now you are saved another way? That only shows me you were never born-again to begin with because you renounce how you originally said you were saved.

I know without a doubt that Arminianism is a false doctrine. It contradict's itself most of the time.
I'm glad you can't show any contradiction.

Actually the Five points of Calvinism were in answer to the Five points of Arminianism. Thew council of Dort rejected Arminianism as false. This I am pretty sure you know.
Actually Arminius came after Calvin, so it's the other way around.

There are two types of Calvinist, a 4-Point and a 5-Point. The only different between the two in the Doctrine of limited atonement. One believes that salvation is offered to everyone and the other believes that it is only offered to God's elect.
The 4 point Calvinists contradict themselves, claiming God wants all to be saved openly, but secretly he doesn't. Be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8). Spurgeon was not born-again either. All 5 points of Calvinism are internally coherent, but evil, leading to a false salvation and eternal damnation in Hell.

I am a 5-Point Calvinist, and since God chooses whom he desire to save, that's His right (Romans 9:11-23). In Eph 1:1-4; Paul makes it clear that only thoses whom God elect's belong to Him. As a matter of fact, He elected them before the foundation of the world to be Holy and without blame before Him in love (Eph 1:4).
God does not choose a personally evilly though, for He provides sufficient grace to all to have the choice. Your god is unable to do this, impotent to be able to do what God can do.

So you can see that the elect were not chosen because they were holy, but they were chosen to be holy.
That God gives you the choice doesn't mean you are holy any more than you are holy for assuming you were irresistibly selected. His elect are chosen to be holy, but that is not mutually exclusive of giving us the choice.

Jesus makes it clear that only God the Father elects. So you can see my friend there is no such thing decisional regeneration.
God the Father elects, not by you assuming you were irresistibly selected, but by foreknowing your free-choice. By assuming you were irresistibly selected, without genuine repentance and faith in Christ to be regenerated, tells us all that you are not a child of God, for you have not made an authentic choice for Christ. Believers will spend eternity with fellow brothers and sisters who have.

The fact's are clear that no one can come unless God does something in that person to make him/she desire to want to come to Jesus. Roman's 3:11 tell us that we all have no desire for God or want Him at all. So unless God does something to an individual, he/she will never come to Him.
God provides us all with sufficient grace, so the reason why someone is not saved, such as yourself, is because you don't come to God with an honest heart. Certainly, nobody can come to God on their own, and nobody does. Hence God provides the sufficient enabling grace to all. Your god doesn't do this, and therefore, you worship the evil spirit's facsimile.

That's how I know you are unsaved. God is the "Savior of all men, specially those who believe" (1 Tim. 4.10), not the Savior of all men but some go to Hell, specially those who believe".

My prayer is that one day you yet give your life to Christ. Amen.