
I noticed your post on the Christian Forums entry at Wikipedia. I'm not sure who it was, but they left a link to this message board in their post in the discussion tab.

My name is Ryan Swift, aka Josephus, and I co-founded the new Christian Forums with Erwin Loh in 2001-2002. I stepped down several months later once it starting picking up steam as God has led me to other ministries and opportunites.

I retired from general message board ministry then, but I do like to check up every now and then on "my baby" to see how things are going there. It's grown a lot since I left, but it was exactly what God told me would happen if I merged the King's Tavern with Erwin's board. It has grown to be the largest Christian community on the internet, and the vision is still for Christian unity.

I would like to speak with you over email. It would be appropriate, because I do not feel comfortable addressing your issues with the current leadership in a public setting. I have a great respect for Erwin, as he has done a fantastic job keeping the thing running, so please expect nothing less from me.

If anything, I ask for your prayers for Christian Forums, so please don't misjudge its mission as it started with the vision of God to unify the body of Christ online, and it has his obvious blessing as the results are that several hundred thousand people have been touched by Christian fellowship in some form or another, and it continues to grow.

Please email me at I'd like to discuss your views.

Ryan Swift (Josephus)