There is one other possibility. 2,520 days from the Feast of Trumpets on Sept 14, 2015 is the 7th of August, 2022. What is this date? Check your Wiki Jewish holidays and it says the 7th, 2022 is Tisha B'Av which occurs usually on the 9th of Av unless it is a Sabbath, which it is this time, so it takes place on the 10th of Av. (exactly 2520 days from Sept. 14, 2015 to Aug. 7, 2022).

This was the day both Jewish temples were destroyed (9th of Av) separated by about 656 years, the day the Jews were kicked out of England and Spain, the day Germany declared war on Russia (WWI) which began the eventual holocaust of the Jews, the day the spies returned from scouting the promised land.

Think of it from this perspective. I am looking for a Jewish holiday for the exact day of Jesus' return and it must occur 2,520 days after a particular feast. Atonement Day and Tabernacles don't result in a date, so then I try Trumpets. 2,520 days after Sept. 14, 2015 is Aug. 7, 2022, but that fell on the 10th of Av. There was no holiday on the 10th of Av. But I read some more and found out the Jews commemorate the day the two Temples were destroyed on the 9th of Av, but when it fell on a Saturday, they would commemorate the day after which is the 10th of Av.
