I will explain each paragraph with a paragraph, to avoid confusion.

Uniqueness among animals is not only expressed by humans. Each species is unique in its own way, sometimes showing superiority compared with humans. I will explain being away from God later to avoid repetition. Nature by definition causes itself that is why it is called nature. For example, let us compare known things that are natural and non-natural, for example a car and an earthquake. Cars are made by humans, it is observable, and there is no known natural cause for them. Earthquakes are caused by plate tectonics, although I will add that a while back in history earthquakes were also explained by ‘God’. This sort of rationalizing is called “The God of the Gaps Argument”. True the universe cannot come from nothing, but it can exist forever. The first law of thermodynamics confirm both, IE Conservation of matter and energy. You mention man would have approximated past eternities. There is one flaw in your argument; we have, for example string theory. Slavery is actually not condemned by Jesus or God, both Old and New Testament. Exodus 21:20-21 and Ephesians 6:5.

So Jesus is God since it was predicted in the bible and came true, the Messiah as it were. Well, simply ask the Jews why they don’t accept Jesus. They are the foundation of Christianity, why do they not believe in Christ, if all the prophecies came true? I asked them and there are four apparent “unfulfilled prophecies of Jesus”. . (A). Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28). (B). Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6). (C). Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease, as it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4) (D). Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world—on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9). I should also mention virtually every other religion is convinced IT’S THE right one, just as you are. When you see why you reject their claims, you will see why I reject yours.

Third paragraph. How do you know this? Does the bible teach this? Where? (I.e. the book chapter and verse) Did Jesus say this? Are you saying your words have more authority than the Bible, God or Jesus? Here I quote you saying “As Jesus said, if you are not for Him, you are against Him.” Not quite, he said “… No one comes to the father except though me” John 14:6 (.5) NO ONE (come to the father) EXCEPT THROUGH ME. You see? Not people who would accept Jesus, but only people who have accepted Jesus, tough luck for them.

There are many Jesus’s out there, but only one is right.” I’ve explained this already with the “When you see why you reject their claims, you will see why I reject yours.” “To be clear, He is the 2nd Person of the Trinity. The Trinity is uncreated. Jesus created all things; nothing that was created was created without Him.” Just want to explain how this is wrong. I will assume (correct me if I’m wrong) God is 1st, then Jesus 2nd then Holy spirit 3rd. It was God who created the world, Genesis 1:1 (first page, heh). If this is correct how do you hold this belief? Your belief if incoherent, and ridiculous. Of course, the trinity is Uncreated, with absolutely no explanation, it’s just the way it is. As soon as the idea that the universe is uncreated, you cannot come to grips with that. You proudly boast your divine revelation of the world, yet you seem to not know everything in the bible, even things you so proudly boast of in this very thread, for example the prophecies.

Finally back to being away from God, where to begin. Is being away from God hell, because I feel pretty separated from God, (as close as you can get). So then I am already in hell, yet this is no punishment. Is he clinging on to me giving me till my last breath a chance for repentance? Why, he is all knowing why test us in the first place. It would not take too much time to convince me, why does everyone else get personal experiences with God. Why can I not have a conversation like in times of old, such as Abraham and Noah. He would have a lot to explain. Just showing himself to me is not enough. So he exists point one taken care of, I’m no longer an Atheist. Then why did he commit such monstrosities, why are there so many religions, why are there inconsistencies in the bible. Some say he will not reveal himself because that will take away my free will to choose to believe. Well, Satan before his fall talked to God, yet still chose to go against him. Free will would still exist. Besides, not too long ago the smallpox vaccine was considered to be a product of the devil. I trust the guy saving the lives of millions, rather the tyrant who wants us to believe in him or suffer eternally.

A final point, I do not believe in Satan either. It just he has done more good than God according to the religious institutions anyway.