Learn Not to Be Head

The head expresses its headship through its thoughts and intents. Thus in the body of Christ, for a member to obey the authority of the head is quite simply for him to refrain from entertaining many ideas and opinions. Hence the Christian who lives in the body and observes body life may be said to be a simple person.

There is a basic difference in the understanding of the Bible by the Protestant Church and the Roman Catholic Church. The latter considers the Pope and this Church’s hierarchy to be the only ones who can interpret God’s word, whereas the laity, this Church believes, should not comment on it. Indeed, the decision of the Pope and his Council is final. Thus, many forms of idolatry have been the result; such, for example, as worshiping the image of Mary. On the other hand, the Protestant Church takes a more liberal stance on the matter than the Catholic Church. For its teaching carries within it the implication that there are as many popes as there are Christians! For its teaching holds that everyone may read the Bible and each may decide on the Bible’s interpretation. Yet if we have light, we shall see that both are wrong; because in the body, only certain members whom the Lord sets forth therein have the authority to interpret the word of God. Hence, let us not hasten to be popes.

We may illustrate this matter in the following way. Concerning the paths of life, the Lord has raised up in the local church certain brothers to help us in this matter. If any one of us has a problem with regard to the path of life he should pursue, he can go to these brethren for instruction. Thank God that in the body there is not just one brother who can supply you with life; there are several others. Yet if you desire their ministry, you will need to submit to their authority for their ministry implies authority. And such authority is given by the Head of the body. Any member who strives against the mouth or the eyes of the body of Christ is striving against the ministry set up by the Head. For in reality insubjection to these members is insubjection to the Head. Insubjection is first expressed in many words, then in many thoughts. Yet the simpler we are the more we shall be united. This does not mean to say that in submitting to others you yourself have no ministry, since in the body of Christ we have authority towards one another.

Ministry is authority. In giving ministry, the Lord gives authority. As members of Christ’s body, we need to learn not to be head. This is in fact the meaning of head covering. Head covering exhibits the fact that only the Lord is Head. And this therefore means that the responsible brothers themselves cannot decide on their own. A disciplined person has no pleasure in interfering with others’ affairs. In order to exercise authority properly, he must learn not to take pleasure in meddling in the business of others. For God himself never interferes with or forces people.

Before the fall, the entrance to or exit from the Garden of Eden was never barred to man. Hell has no hedge, which means that people can quite easily fall into hell if that is their wish, since many are the roads which lead to destruction. Today twentieth-century man knows how to install a security fence charged with twenty, sixty, or more volts of electricity. But our God never interferes with, compels or prevents anybody. All who are naturally busybodies seeking to impose their will on others must be dealt with, otherwise they can never represent authority. The delegated authority is one who lets people know that he takes no delight in probing into another’s affairs. To the contrary, the only reason he must speak is because he has received authority from the Head of the Church. One who has been taught does not offer his opinion casually.

Which chapter in the New Testament reveals the depth of a man’s experience? It is unquestionably 1 Corinthians 7. There Paul said in one breath, "I have no commandment of the Lord" (v.25); yet not many verses later he said this: "I think that I also have the Spirit of God" (v.40)! In the same passage Paul also said, "I give my judgment"; yet it was "as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be trustworthy" (v.25). Since he had received much dealing on many things, Paul was able to apply the same principles to other matters. He had followed the Lord for many years and had learned much; therefore he had arrived at the point of knowing the heart of God.

Both Abraham and Enoch walked closely with God. They therefore knew the way of God. It was not necessary for God to speak to them; they could know His heart. How strange for a person who has followed the Lord for many years to not know the pace, the direction and the way of the Lord?

We ourselves need to be instructed and disciplined. Only those who do not speak carelessly and who do not offer opinion casually can begin to be representatives of God, who is the Head. These also can begin to lead brothers and sisters on the way ahead. God will never delegate authority to those who are naturally critical. To be in subjection, you must be one who refuses to be head. Then as soon as anybody raises his head, you will immediately sense it as though you were shocked by electricity. You will know because having been judged before, you are sensitive to any similar situation. A brother who has been dealt with both in speech and in learning not to be head should have no trouble in exercising authority. All who have any problem with these two things cannot know the body of Christ.