This letter can also be of much help to ex-Leeists and anti-Nee fanatics such as Nee's two Bipartite Amillennial Calvinist nemesis's Dana Roberts and G. Richard Fisher. (Please email me and let me know if and when these two characters have repented of these three false teachings and I will adjust this claim about them.)

Just walk away from the Lee camp of Witness Lee, for they believe in modalism, deification (calling themselves God), suing for faith, repetitive shouting mantra, Calvinism (idol of Total depravity), and bearing false witness - a willingness to alter Nee's writings that do not agree with the writings of Nee at CFP and CLC. Since Watchman Nee never believed in any of these false teachings (I cannot find in any of his writings teaching any of these things) and he did not subscribe to a central hub of an oracle, then tell me what do Nee and Lee have in common? The Apostles are limited in that they work regionally, and there is no central board. Elders of a locality are appointed by regional Apostles. And Elders of a locality approve the Elders of meeting places within a locality. This is the proper organizing the Church that LSM is without. Nee was OSAS Arminian.

It's amazing as you peruse the Internet how so many try to marry Nee to Lee. But if Nee had been released from jail and found out about Lee's doings, he would have rebuked Lee in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Satan is always on the heels for filthy lucre after whatever spiritual gain is made. In Nee's day, Nee said there were 200 Apostles in China at the peak, but that slowly waned in latter days even he admitted shortly before being sent to jail for life. Those who try to marry Nee TO Lee are of two sorts: 1) those who reject the spiritual (particularly the 5 Deeper Truths), so they cop out by falsely marrying Nee to Lee as an excuse to succumb to the world; and of course, 2) Leeists. Ex-Leeists can also fall into two camps: a) those who still ascribe to some of the Six Major Sins of Leeism, thus bearing false witness as they try to marry Nee to Lee (e.g. The Local Church Discussion Forums - mostly ex-Leeists); and b) those who reject anything to do with Nee at all since, if only in name, Leeists claim they agree with Nee (though of course, they do not), e.g. The Berean Public Square forums. It is a Calvinist run organization at BARM - The Bereans Apologetics Research Ministry. They are not fond of hearing they hold more in common with Lee than Nee because they agree with Lee about Calvinism and do not take exception when bearing false witness against Watchman Nee.

It's an efficient way to deal with cults. Just find out their six major sins and walk away. Say thanks, but no thanks. Life is too precious to remain in a cult! I've never stepped foot in their cult meetings even once, but I have seen the videos and heard the audios of what they do in their sessions.

Modalism is a way unfaithful man brings God down to his level of perceptions for his own way, because he can't fathom how God could be three Persons (co-equal and co-inherent), so he alters God's very nature in the complex diversity of His unity. Even though it is hard to understand the Trinity in your mind, God never asked you to understand in your mind, but let revelation reveal it in your spirit, for you do know some things. Jesus proved Himself by His resurrection-no naturalistic theory fits the data-so we know Jesus is true. We pray to the Father, through the Son by the Spirit. And Jesus never called Himself the Father or the Spirit, but that He indwells the believer by the Spirit while He is at the right hand of the Father. It was agreed among the three Persons of the Godhead that the Son would pay for the sins of mankind. Be leery of those who do violence to the Scriptures who are Modalists. They might even say God is three Persons, but then turn right around and say God is a Person also!? That is a contradiction. God is not one Person! He is 3 Persons! We as humans are each one person, but God is 3 Persons. The law of non-contradiction says you can't be both a Person and three Persons at the same time. Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead bodily; that is to say, all that God could be in the likeness of flesh. In no way does this suggest the Godhead is a Person or that Jesus is actually the Father or the Spirit. God is 3 Persons. Accept it.

Deification is pride, lacking humility, to make such a claim a person is God in life in nature. Only God is God in life and nature. We may have God's life, but we are not God. Almost all cults of Christianity try to use this Deification ideology, e.g. Mormons.

We are creatures of habit so we are all susceptible to repetitive shouting mantra. You can't help but be infected and dumbed down subliminally by their carefully placed mantra as they try to weed their controlling mechanisms into your spirit and soul and body. It might make you feel good so at least you show up next week to shout some more mantra again. Next thing you know, you've been doing it for six months and you're stuck. You can't get out even if you wanted to!

God made you in His image. You do not cease to be in His image after the fall of man. God's image is permanent. Even an unsaved person who goes to Hell still remains made in God's image, but is eternally separated from God's love. Man is depraved or partially depraved. He is not Totally depraved, because if he were then nobody could receive what Jesus did for us on the cross. His work on the cross would have been in vain pleading with us. But God does provide sufficient grace for us to give us all the opportunity to be saved by grace through faith: to freely obtain the gift of repentance and faith to be regenerated. You do not have to assume you were regenerated as Calvinists do, because of being allegedly Totally depraved, in order to be able to repent and believe. Does that seem genuine to you? Their's is a selfish salvation without the prior repentance and faith. Can you sense in your spirit how that is self-exaltation to say you were selected irresistibly, there was nothing you could do about it, and everyone else was passed over, given no grace whatsoever all the days of their life? The latter received nothing but false hope from a gospel they could not understand or accept anyway? What love is this? How is that a true relationship if there was nothing you could do about it anyway? Think how evil this mindset is for man; it is no less evil for God to send people to Hell from birth without any opportunity for salvation; or to impose salvation on someone. Why should God's standards be less than ours? Total depravity is an idol that needs be erected by cultists to claim they can't repent and believe in Christ so they don't. Thus, they can have their cake and eat it to. This is called "stacking the deck" as they pompously puff themselves up in thinking they have been irresistibly selected above all others without any regard for the person. Since it was not their choice, how can they really know if they are saved or not? Calvinism is an effective teaching for cults. TULIP (5 teachings of Calvinism) is used to deaden one's conscience which is important, because if a person were to develop a conscience, they would leave The Local Church. Once you go down that rabbit hole of believing in Total depravity, you cling to more thoughts of being irresistibly made to do this or that and thus, controlled by the physical birth children of Witness Lee who run the organization.

After suing about a dozen Christian organizations over the years which called The Local Church Living Stream Ministry a cult, the verdict came in, losing $136,000,000 in a lawsuit in which they did not get a dime. The Living Stream Ministry tried to manipulate through various cunning tactics the court of law, but the law of the land came back and defended the right of Christians to call The Local Church a cult. Suing for faith is very Scientology. Would Paul do this? This lawsuit took place when their revenues had totally collapsed. They were trying to revive their cult. It's really just about the money. It's like there is a big billboard over their cult that says - WE ARE A CULT!

It's amazing how when you show the differences in the writings between CFP (& CLC) and LSM, you would think they are two different writers. One particular instance that stands out is Chapter 2, Volume 1 in which there are 3 major aspects to man's emotion: affection, desire, sensing & feeling (CFP). Note there are three later chapters with these titles, but no titles for the words in the Leeist version which are love, hate and being affected (LSM). So they replace affection (with all its gambit of emotions) with just love. They replace desire with hate (how can desire always be hate?), and sensing & feeling with being affected? Cults don't like you to have "desire" to think for yourself. They need to restrict and constrict your emotions to control you. Instead of sensing and feeling, they need to prevent you from being affected by others and just remain in the love of their cult. Plus whole paragraphs and concepts are brought in that do not exist in the CFP original. The Leeist versions of Nee's books can be as much as 30% longer. That should raise alarm bells instantly! The manager of CFP told me he has no idea where LSM came up with their additions such as the one described here specifically. The CFP versions are the originals. The LSM scribes took way too many liberties. They might have done this on purpose to manipulate you.

And one final note. Locality is an independent unit. It is not under some self-proclaimed oracle of the day like Witness Lee and his Living Stream organization. There is no central-hub to sell its products from in such a generic fashion as this to all its outlets. God likes diversity. The Church is not The Local Church. The Church is the universal Church. Therefore, the churches of The Local Church are NOT the churches of the body of Christ. The Church is the organizing of believers properly by true Apostles and Elders according to Scriptural locality. Amen.