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Thread: The Law of Non-Contradiction is Violated by Calvinism

  1. #1
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    Default The Law of Non-Contradiction is Violated by Calvinism

    'Repent, and believe in the gospel' (Mark 1.15). If sufficient grace is not given to all, then how can Jesus call you to do this? Calvinism violates the law of non-contradiction.

    If you say this is God's permissive will and not His decretive will, how can a loving God say one thing but mean another? Calvinism violates the law of non-contradiction.

    'Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out' (Acts 3.19). Peter said these words to repent which precede conversion/regeneration/forgiveness, so a person is not regenerated before repentance and faith. Calvinism violates the law of non-contradiction.

    'Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life' (Rom. 5.18). This is a parallelism-the same all men! All men can be justified whosoever is willing, so how can God irresistibly impose salvation on some and pass over others? Calvinism violates the law of non-contradiction.

    Does God offer us salvation when He says 'come unto me' (Matt. 11.28) because we have free-will: 'whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely' (Rev. 22.17)? If you are still a Calvinist, how can you be a Christian? Calvinism violates the law of non-contradiction.

    Do you believe Jesus died for the sins of all? "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1.29); "we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world" (John 4.42); "we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world" (1 John 4.14); "He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world" (1 John 2.21); "He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone" (Heb. 2.9); "Since we believe that Christ died for everyone, we also believe that we [Christians] have all died to the old life we used to live" (2 Cor. 5.14); "...we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe" (1 Tim. 4.10); "For God so loved the world...that the world through him might be saved" (John 3.16,17). How many more ways must God say it on your terms to convince you to believe in Him?

    "What must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved" (Acts 16.30-31).

    "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Pet. 3.9). If God is not willing that any should perish, He supplies sufficient grace to all to give us all the opportunity to be saved by grace through faith, whosoever is willing. Calvinism denies this, violating the law of non-contradiction.

    It's not about me, me, me, me; but us, us, us, us, for God made us all in His image. Amen.

  2. #2
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    Default The Necessary Thought for the Greatest Evils

    Quote Originally Posted by Teacup
    Good points, Deepfaith, but the calvinists, if they choose to respond, will simply tell you that you don't understand the bible: the verses you quoted can't possibly mean what you think they mean. calvinism interprets all scripture through its 5-point system, the primary point being that no man is able to choose to respond to God. You must read the bible while wearing the proper calvinists "glasses". The only porblem is, that unless God puts these over your eyes, you can never understand what you read, for these things are spiritually discerned. So it is a catch 22 type situation: you don't understand because God doesn't want you to understand (at least not at the present moment). Now, if you are lucky, perhaps God will one day give you the "insight" to properly understand His word, but until then you are just plain wrong.

    See, I know the calvinists so well that I can answer for them. Man I'm good! Now if I could only convince myself that what I wrote was true.
    What I see in what you said is the pride the Calvinist has. It's evil for man to act the way their god does, but its not evil for their god to behave that way? Why should God's standards be less than ours? That's absurd. So Calvinists are in effect whether they realize it or not just making their god in their own image by the way they conduct themselves unethically day to day. Nothing Calvinists say makes sense. Continually by the law of non-contradiction they violate reality. Continually by these contradictions they spew out in their beliefs, it's clear God has not given it to them to be able to understand because they put up a wall between themselves and God. They do not come to God with an honest heart! Their self stands in the way and they want to be eternally separated from the OSAS Arminian God of the Bible, the very reason Jacob Arminius countered Calvin's 5 points with the 5 points of OSAS Arminian.

    The Bible says study precept upon precept, and prove all things. The reason Calvinists often avoid a specific response, sorta give a vague response like you did, is because when they get specific, it's revealed how they do violence to the Scriptures by what they must insert and alter to agree with TULIP. But there are some things they do agree upon and that's the linchpin.

    It's like arguing with atheists. Atheists concede some things like the disciples truly believed they had seen Jesus alive from the dead and people don't go to their deaths willingly, so they truly believed it. From this you can prove Jesus was resurrected and God because modern psychology today (DM-4) says group hallucinations are impossible. Thus, there is no naturalistic theory that fits the data.

    In the same way, we can turn the Calvinist's statement on its head and show it is self-contradictory. Calvinists believe their god has two contradictory wills which we must forget about because God is so great they say. But the slicksters say the law of non-contradiction can't be violated, except of course for Calvinists. Do you see? It's not ok for others to contradict themselves but it is ok for Calvinists. That's all you need for proof in their doublestandard. The Bible says be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8). James White is asked this question and doesn't even respond to it, shutting his mind down. It's where a cultic person shuts his mind down that exposes his weak point, where you can pry open the hole for them to see they are deceived if they were willing to have an honest heart.

    Let's say a person wants to be selfish. Well all they have to do is erect an idol of Total depravity to say they can't repent so they won't. That way they are free to proclaim to all they have been selected. Can you sense how utterly evil that is? I don't know if I can think of anything more evil than this, because it is this very idea that led to the holocaust. What seems like fairly harmless pride is the necessary seed for the greatest evils ever known to mankind.

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    Exclamation Calvinism is Negligent Homicide

    Calvinism is negligent homicide because the god of Calvinism could save all but doesn't. He is an impotent god because he can't even provide sufficient grace to anyone to give them the opportunity to be saved since if everyone were Totally depraved then the next step requires some be irresistibly selected and for the rest to be passed over, denied any recourse whatsoever. One who believes in such a god gratifies himself for things of the world that are gained with this horrific mentality and life-style choice.

    Imagine yourself in a situation where you see two kids playing in what effectively is quicksand and it seems like they are having fun. Little do they know the quicksand will take them down and they will perish. But what do you do? You extend not a stick to both of them to grab onto and plead with them to get out, but you put a hook on the end of pole and yank one out while leaving the other to die. Next, you find several people are drowning after a ship goes down, but not using all your resources to help them out, you mock and berate them, you sinners! What love is this?

    God's really been testing you lately but selfishly you accuse another, a child you find stuck in a well 40 feet down. You only giving her a rope that goes 30 feet down then say to her grab hold of it, what's wrong with you? Talk about abusive! Still another case. You're co-worker is doing something you are sure will get him fired, but instead of warning him and the proper course of action he should take to rectify the situation, negligently you remain silent and watch him get fired.

    How is this any different than Hitler who treats the Jews this way from birth destined for the gas chambers and irresistibly imposing a salvation on the Aryan race. You know full well without the teachings of Calvinism Hitler could not have done what he did. I am grateful I don't have to spend eternity with such an evil god and the evil people who follow this negligent homicidal attitude.

    May these words help lead you to Christ by the grace of God which require you first to repent and leave all things Calvinism. Amen.

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