Sin entered into the world (hamartiology) in the old creation, and salvation (soteriology) in the new creation is through the atonement by the precious blood of Christ Who paid the ransom as the perfect sacrifice (substitution), forgiving all our sins (redemption) to give everlasting, eternal life. Our co-death is accomplished at new birth when we are brought into His sure death on the cross for power over sin, united with Him in His death (Rom. 6.2) and 'a resurrection like His' (v.5).

Do you believe baptism is, after having died on the cross, with or without water in burial (Rom. 6.4) and resurrection (v.5) into a living hope of newness (1 Pet. 1.3) with Christ for service to come out of the world by asking a member of the body of Christ to bury you which lets Christians know you are a member of the same body ("by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body" 1 Cor. 12.13) and baptized by God (see 1 Cor. 1.30)?

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that disbelieveth shall be condemned" (Mark 16.15-16).

Salvation is coming out of the water (world) itself, not the effect of having done so; perdition is staying in.

You were not the only one who went down in the water; your world went down with you.

Does the water represent Christ, since "baptized into Christ" (Rom. 6.3a) is into water; as well as death, since we are "baptized into his death" (6.3b)?

Is baptism a testimony before angels and men that your sins were washed away and forgiven by God? Was your baptism the appeal, testimony, "the answer of a good conscience toward God" (1 Pet. 3.21), taking a public stand God has placed in you in Christ?

Since you have died and don't want the old life anymore so you let it be buried through baptism. Do not live as though you need to repeat the "teaching of baptisms, not laying again a foundation of repentance" of water, Spirit, and judgment by fire (Heb. 6.1-2, Matt. 3.11).

Upon experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit did your intuition become acutely sensitive to discover in your spirit a spiritual world open up before you (of things and beings) so that not only can you touch the supernatural power of God but are able to contact God's Third Person as well?

(As the Apostles were taught of the Scriptures by the Lord after Calvary; but they were made conscious of the real existence of a spiritual realm following the Spirit-baptism at Pentecost, the starting point of spiritual warfare with the enemy-an engagement of spirit with spirit. Going into the water I simply act the whole thing out, affirming publicly that the "judgment of the world" became real to me from the day when the "lifted up" Son of Man drew me to himself.)