
It looks like you blocked me on your YouTube, shutting your mind down, so here is my response here instead.

Quote Originally Posted by Parture
That's Satan working through you accusing of whatever. Notice very precisely these facts: 1) you avoided the data (didn't deal with it); 2) you're still not born-again, because you refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated; therefore, 3) you're a false Christian, and 5) you're going to Hell. You're a bad guy.

It all stems from wanting a selfish salvation by worshiping a false god who doesn't provide sufficient grace to all, so that is why you Institute Total depravity which says you can't repent, so you don't. It's an idol that allows you to cop-out and not take responsibility as God would have you. So you accept any old spirit that comes over you for regeneration by merely assuming it without any prior repentance and faith in Christ. God never irresistibly imposes Himself on anyone like that. What love would that be? A gift forced on someone is no gift at all.

God wants a real relationship, not one with someone who pompously is unwilling and falls into a simulation of saving grace and facsimile of God's design. Just realize that the god your promote is one which has lower morals than man does, for if a person was in need we would help that person, but your god doesn't; nor would you likely making God in your own image. Your god is really Satan whether you realize it or not. How sad for you that this is the way you want to be. It's your choice: but you are without excuse! I have told you the truth. You don't need psychologizing and counseling. What you need is to give your life to Christ and stop worshiping a false Christ. It's as simple as that.

Praise the Lord for this discernment! My prayers go out to you.