Worshiping God in vain is worshiping God falsely. God is never to be worshiped falsely for that is making a false god out of God. Paul said positively, she "worshiped God" then what follows was she "heard us" (Acts 16.14).

You're assuming into the text she worshiped falsely.

Goes the the opening and she did the attending. Don't assume into the text that regeneration is irresistible. God has His part of opening. She has her part in accepting. Many people don't believe in God before receiving Christ, but Lydia did believe in God. She worshiped God. Don't assume more than that, don't assume that she was doing so vainly. The way Paul spoke was a positive way, for she "heard us".

God creates human beings. Just because God creates human beings doesn't mean we are Totally deprave. All that we have and can be is by His sufficient enabling grace. This doesn't mean we are Totally depraved. Your negative portrayal is not by the Holy Spirit. When man fell from grace, His willfulness was towards sin, but he was not incapable of receiving the gifts of God and believing in Christ. Repentance precedes faith for initial salvation without which you can't be saved. If you are unrepentant and think you have faith for salvation, that is a false faith. God is not going to save you if you stand there and assume you were regenerated without prior repentance and faith. God will not save you into a selfish salvation of "stacking the deck."

I agree with these verses. Nothing about Total depravity or irresistible generation in them. Stop posting verses as though they agree with you, but deal with them specifically.

These verses are saying God uses evil for good not that he is the author of sin which is necessary if everyone is Totally depraved and your god has to irresistibly regenerate them and evilly sends billions to hell without any grace whatsoever. What love is this? This makes your god the author of evil.

The first active hardening was the Pharaoh hardening his own heart first as your own Calvinist brethren admits which contradicts his own faith. This is within God's allowance.

Nowhere do we find reprobation here is by God not providing sufficient grace to all. Why read into the text that which is not there?

You work apart from God's grace because you refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. Just as you can help an old lady across the street you can obtain the gift of faith if you come to God with an honest heart. You prefer to remain soiled tampon-one of your favorite phrases.

"They which live" are only some of those for whom Jesus died, for Jesus died for all.

"Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life" (Rom. 5.18). "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2.4). All men can be saved "whosoever should believeth" (John 3.16) "to the knowledge of truth" and "unto justification of life." This is a parallelism. Same "all men".

You can't do something if you are Totally depraved. You're Totally unable to, so it would be odd to be commanded to do something you couldn't do it. How sadistic! God provides sufficient for all, not just some. That would be evil. If it is evil for man to behave this way, why would God have morals less than ours? I am glad I don't have to spend eternity in the New City with any Calvinists. That would be Hell.

Many who are drawn to God "draw back unto perdition" (Heb. 10.39). Certainly all that come to God must be drawn, but we don't read in John 6.44 that all drawn do come to God. All that are given in verse 37 do come, but it doesn't say all that are drawn come. Read the text with humility, without assuming a thing.

Again, there are two places of torment for the reprobate, ᾅδης and γέεννα. Christ referred to both in His public ministry, and both are translated as "hell" in the King James Bible. One day ᾅδης will be thrown into γέεννα (Rev. 20:14).
Hell can't be thrown into Hell. That's silly. That's like saying I am going to put the dish waster instead of the dishes into the dish waster. There are not two Hells anymore than there are two 3rd Heavens. Hades is thrown into Hell. KJV got it wrong. ASV, RSV, NLT, NIV, etc. corrected this mistake in the KJV. You can see the problem with being a KJV onlyist for you will rationalize falsely by making an idol out of King James.

It doesn't surprise me that you devalue Greek scholarship, because it shows Arminianism to be the FALSE DOCTRINE that it is. The New Testament was not written in English, it was written in Koine Greek. Any exegetical study must be conducted from the original language, as something always is lost in any translation. By the way, Dr. A.T. Robertson, the greatest Koine Greek scholar of modern times, was a Calvinist; so was John Gresham Machen, another prominent Koine Greek scholar.
I appreciate the Greek, that is not the issue; the issue is you can't get the Greek to agree with you without reading into it that which is not there. Time and again this is has been shown.

No, sir, you are NOT an apostle; those twelve men have accomplished their blessed work on this earth. For you to claim apostleship is proud, arrogant, and UNSCRIPTURAL.
The Apostles are for today which I am one and you couldn't show otherwise, after all, you are not even born-again, because you refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. Paul was an Apostle and he was not one of the 12, thus by your reasoning he is not an Apostle. You are accusing one of the mightiest workers for the Church. You also accuse women, for Junias was an Apostle, a notable one at that, and there were "all the Apostles" in addition to the "12 Apostles". Every century there have been Apostles. You deny Church history and the call of Eph. 4.11 of the Apostles during and for every church period, for this is still the mystery age of the Church.

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers" (Eph. 4.11). The role of the Apostles is still today. Who could even consider you a Christian that you deny God's workers in the Ministry of the Work for the Church. Of course, are a false Christian, so that make sense.

"Thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars" (Rev. 2.2). For there to be those who are false Apostles implies that there are Apostles during John's day around 95 AD when he wrote Revelation after all the original Apostles had died.

I dare say that what you call the "6 Major Sins of Calvinism", God calls BLASPHEMY on your part.
What you consider holy these 6 major sins, God considers unholy.

Who are these false tares who try to look like the saved wheat, the unsaved swine with cloven hooves but don't chew their cud? Who are they who say to the Lord, didn't we work in your name? for which He responds, those who say Lord, Lord, He never knew you Brian. To come so close to Lord but still reject Him is a very sad thing indeed. It would have better that you never knew God (2 Pet. 2.21) since it will be much more difficult for you to give your life to Christ now, and at worse, your permanent stay in Hell will be worse than most.

My prayers go out to you that may you yet one day repent as a helpless sinners to the cross as you are not Totally depraved to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. Amen.