One good example of where the book of Mormon lies about the real Jesus is in the book of Alma chapter 7, verse 10, saying Jesus “shall be born of Mary, at Jerusalem.”(my emphasis). This is one of the simplest ways you can show a Mormon where the book is a lie. As we have been guided into all truth guide the Mormon into Truth.
  1. Ask the Mormon where Jesus was born. If he does not know, which many do not, take him to Micah 5:2 while explaining to him that God is a God of Truth and He knows the future and shows his people where to look for the birth place of their coming ruler. 700 years before Christ was born this prophet of God foretold his birthplace in the small little town of Bethlehem.
  2. Explain to the Mormon that not only did God foretell of the birthplace of Jesus but also God made sure that the birthplace would be verified and witnessed to as the place where Jesus was born. Show the Mormon Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-6. Here are two separate accurate accounts of the birthplace of Jesus.
  3. Take the Mormon to his own Book of Mormon and show him that this most correct book of all time records the birth of Jesus as occurring at Jerusalem (Alma 7:10). Usually the only answer they have is that Bethlehem is near Jerusalem. You might explain that while that is true, if one was walking 2000 years ago to find the true Messiah in Jerusalem he would have never found Him there. Also, if one was really using this book as a guide to find his Messiah maybe he would be mislead today as well as 2000 years ago (if this book had been available) when this would have been wrong information. Bethlehem is several miles away from Jerusalem and even today, with modern transportation and where distances are much less a factor, when someone is born in a hospital in Bethlehem they record on the birth certificate that the birth occurred in Bethlehem. So, who is this spirit that is leading the Mormon into error is the next question. If the Book of Mormon is so correct and leads men into truth how could it make such a error on such a simple point as to the birthplace of Jesus?