Quote Originally Posted by Robert Harris
Heb 10:26 For if we (Christians) sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth (nonbelievers never have received this knowledge), there remaineth no more a sacrifice for sins.

Note: The knowledge is that Christ is the only sacrifice that God accepts!

2 Peter 2:21 For it were better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy commandment delivered unto them.

Nonbelievers have never KNOWN the way of Righteousness; that is, except former believers!
Oh good, I am glad you are not a KJV onlyist!

You have added in the word "Christians." You shouldn't do that, for that is altering God's word, because you want a selfish salvation with an out-clause, and you added "nonbelievers never have received this knowledge." God's grace is sufficient for all (OSAS Arminianism). Jesus died for all and the word of God is being spread to the whole world, so don't say nonbelievers have not received this truth. In fact, even someone who hasn't heard the word of God could still be saved, for surely they would receive Christ if they believed in the God who created the mountains and the starts. God is fair, just, gracious and good! If you wanted to include "Christians" as "we" then it only mean loss of enjoyment for believers, not loss of life. For non-believers it means there is no more a sacrifice for sins. Jesus died once-for-all to replace the sacrifices mentioned in earlier verses in chapter 10. Even for Christians who want to live carnally, there is no more sacrifice for sins (they couldn't, for example, lose life, then get saved again, otherwise that would be like the OT of mulitple sacrifices, still living under law trying to keep the law by works and sacrifices). A believer would have to take what He has already got, which is forgiveness by the "precious blood" and build his faith upon that.

You have come into the knowledge, delivered unto you (by the spreading of the gospel) and know the way of righteousness, but still reject it. It really does help to see a real salvation from a superficial one. You have come up to God and still refuse His way of salvation. There remain no more sacrifice for sins. You as a non-believer who knows what is required of you, still refuse to place your faith in a God who keeps all those who He gives His life to. Just know that you have not blasphemed the Holy Spirit, but can yet still come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive THE Lord Jesus who keeps eternally.

How foolish to believe in a God who would give you eternal life, take it away, give it back, take it away, and on and on. Have you not thought that the god you worship is really just a reflection of your own behavior? God who is true, gives life once. Not twice or three times.

"I give unto them [my sheep] eternal life; and they shall NEVER perish" (John 10.28). Therefore, Robert Harris, you are not God's sheep, because you say you can perish (non-OSAS).

Proving to the world along with the Roman Church, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Mormons, JW's and many more-all who believe in non-OSAS-in fact the vast bulk of Christendom, you are like them. Doesn't make you feel very special does it to believe in salvation by works? In fact, to ride your version of eternal life is quite obnoxious and arrogant to say the least! You are just a man; you can't keep yourself saved. Oh what pride of man even in things of worship of God!

This knowing it is IMPOSSIBLE to lose salvation is true authentic life! That's the faith that lasts. The faith of non-OSAS is one which like gravity eventually gravitates to where you lose it and and are lost in Hell. I can imagine you in Hell for eternity still claiming back to God you want a salvation with an "out-clause." That strikes one as insanity! But there is a blessing in disguise: if you can lose your current faith of salvation by works, admittedly which can be lost, that opens up the door to receive the faith in Christ that can never be lost. Then praise the Lord!