
Kent Hovind,

1. How can the earth be only 6000 years old when scientists measure the light from some stars to take 6 billion years, for example, and their best estimate of 13.7 billion years since the singularity?

Even if they are way off, it is still much longer than 6000 years. Dinosaurs existed prior to 6000 years ago. A child can glean profound knowledge from a verse, but when he is an adult, he will see as adults do and read more deeply into that passage. The same is true with the 6 days: a Hebrew word used for creation in Genesis 1.1 and words of restoration for the 6 days.

2. Why is day 2 not called a good day?

The way I read Gen. 2.7 is God formed the body from dust over a long period of time then breathed the breath of life, directly creating man's spirit, into the body about 6000 years ago to create the soul life. Man's spirit was directly created giving him God-consciousness which can never cease to exist. PreAdamic man ceases to exist which is the body formed from dust. The reason animals eat each other is because of the fall of Lucifer with the angels corrupting the earth which was made perfectly in Gen. 1.1. And some of the creatures became disembodied spirits when God made the earth desolate and waste in Gen. 1.2 due to the sin of the inhabitants of earth's earliest ages. Why are all the days good except day 2? Because when God split the firmament inevitably up came some of those demons, one of which came into the serpent to tempt Eve.

The 6 days are six literal 24 hour days which summarize the period of restoration. If you would like a detailed explanation how these days are reconciled as restoration days, you will be greatly edified by these words,

3. Your denomination has problems, so are you willing to repent of them?

You keep saying the highest are Baptists, but the Bible says don't say "I of Cephas" or "I of Apollos". In my experience most Baptists are Calvinists or at least teach Total depravity which is a heresy in which God would have to irresistibly impose salvation on some and deny others sufficient grace to have the choice; then regeneration would be before repentance and faith.

And some individuals in the Bible were baptized without water, but Baptists teach baptism by water only. This creates a divisive legalism, like the Pharisees would add on 500 rules, which we are to fear as Christians. Starting with the Spirit, ending with the flesh. Legalizers like those who try to keep the Sabbath or claim there is a Christian Sabbath. Baptism should be with or without water in burial and resurrection with Christ and the rest is now the Holy Spirit indwelling.

4. How would a person innocently read the Scriptures for the first time?

A person reading the Bible who knows nothing about it would see a perfect creation in Gen. 1.1 (unassumingly over a long period or instantly), a strange desolation in verse 2 without asking if they read the Hebrew, and either an immediate creation or restoration period summed up in the 6 days if they read the Hebrew. With no judgment on those who don't have enough knowledge, they may read it as just 6 days of creation without any other issues. But with more knowledge, they are free to read it as a "gap restorationist".

I wanted to enter into the possibility that you might not be born-again, are a cult denying what science clearly teaches and are a legalizer, that is you have a letter of a law, but not the Spirit of the law. But if you can repent of these false teachings, I hold nothing against you.
