Oprah's "pantheism" says everything is God. God was part of everything then we can say we are God too. My consciousness is a part of God. Why is this redefinition of God critical? Because it deadens conscience. A glass that says "clear water" on it if replaced with a poisonous liquid that is also clear, is it really clear water? God is no longer outside of me and omnipotent. One can actually find God by going inside oneself. My consciousness is my self. This is a doorway to the supernatural evil spirits people are plugging into. They create for themselves a parallel universe that is assumed to exist and imagination makes real. They think they are discovering God or some parallel universe or higher spiritual being or power. We can show how they are contacting evil spirits not God.

These New Agers take our terms and invest them with brand new meanings. That's the essence of the deception. Eckhart Tolle says God is the essence of who you are of consciousness. When Jesus said He is the way, the truth and the life, he wasn't just speaking of himself. He was including you. So this redefinition of God is for the purpose of the pleasure of self-worship. But Jesus said no man comes to the Father but by me. Eckhart Tolle convicts himself by saying, "Jesus tried to convey that, 'I am the way and the truth and the life' ... If misinterpreted, however, they become a great obstacle." Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey are the great obstacles.

Eckhart Tolle said after his conversion to his new wisdom, he knew intuitively there were parts of the Bible that were added later without any understanding of the process of "textual criticism." This whole realm of deception is being presented as though it is compatible with Christianity. Why Christianity of all things? It is because the word of God holds the highest moral standard, ethics and conscience belonging to God Himself in Jesus Christ. Evidence though, as we have already, makes this impossible.

There are 3 views of God: 1) God the creator (existing outside ourselves), 2) there is no God (atheism), 3) God is all and all is God (pantheism).

If we are God then evil does not exist after all how can God be evil. Evil simply becomes illusionary. As God we don't ever die, for God can never die. These heresies flow from a central idea of God. Jesus is not unique, just one among many. One path among many paths to the same point. We can show why that is completely impossible.

A Course in Miracles - Lesson #191: "I am the holy Son of God Himself." (There's 365 lessons: one for each day of the year.) On Mirianne Williamson's site, you are told to recite these lessons out loud day by day.

Lesson #191 is entirely blasphemous. Image saying, "I am the holy Son of God Himself." Your told that if you repeat this, darkness will leave your soul and lightness will shine in. This becomes a redefined conversion, a Satanic conversion experience, and if you say something blasphemous and often enough you will actually believe it and light will break into your soul. In reality this light is the greatest darkness you could possibly imagine. They do have a conversion experience they are urging everyone to have. You'll have real experiences, but it will a complete lie.

Oprah Winfrey's religion is: "if you worship me, we will get along just fine."

Lesson #70: "My salvation comes from me."
Lesson #186: "The salvation of the world depends on me."
Lesson #61: "I am the light of the world."

What is this? It is narcissism full blown in deception. "...men will believe the lie." (2 Thess. 2.11) What is the lie? The divinity of man. Why is this so profoundly wrong? These views have no answer to the difficulty of sin.

Lesson #337: "My sinlessness protects me from all harm. My sinlessness ensures me perfect peace, eternal safety, everlasting love, freedom forever from all thought of loss; complete deliverance from suffering. And only happiness can be my state, for only happiness is given me." Dr. Helen Schucman (author of A Course in Miracles) died a very terrible tormented person the last 2 years of her life. The man who cared for her and her psychiatrist said he has never seen anyone go through so much personal torment in a person who claimed there is no such thing as evil, who believed in only peace and light. She died so horrendously. The fact of the matter, what she taught was thoroughly demonic.

Lesson #337: "I was mistaken when I thought I sinned, but I accept atonement for myself." How do you witness to such a lost soul? Ask them about sin. If they deny sin exists, then tell them to open up a newspaper. Sin does not exist in their world because there is no solution to the sin problem in their world. They don't have a God of judgment. Mirianne Williamson said, "For many people, God is a frightening concept. Asking for God for help doesn't seem very comforting, if we think of Him as something outside ourselves, or capricious, or judgmental. But God is love. We are created in His image, or mind, which means we are extensions of His love. That is why we are called Sons of God."

The older you get, the more you realize how accurate the Bible is. "They will not endure sound doctrine, but... they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires" (2 Tim. 4.3). This being desire driven: "I don't want to deal with the issue of sin. I don't want a God who will judge me. I don't want a God to whom I am accountable. Instead, I will make up a God in my mind even say I am God. No sin needs no redemption or to have to humble myself to God to receive forgiveness. I am already perfect." This is exactly the kind of deception the human heart longs to believe.

But the Biblical answer is very different and also very rewarding. We come to God as sinners, not saying my holiness protects me from all harm; rather, my sinfulness gets me into all kinds of trouble. Then we come to a forgiving God who gives us a way of redemption in Jesus Christ. An absolutely holy God will accept His Son and there is holiness is resolved on the cross. God's holiness has been satisfied. Forgiveness is only through Jesus Christ. This is proven as unique among all other beliefs out there.

Imagine two trails. One well traveled and very beautiful. Flowers grow along the way. The other trail is deep and ugly with deep ruts going into the ditch. After an 18 inch snowfall you can't tell the difference. They are both covered just as well like Jesus blood can cover all. If you think you have sinned too greatly not worthy of salvation or are a very good person not in need of salvation, realize nobody is bad enough or good enough to be in right standing with God. Only Jesus provides that reconciliation. Christ's righteousness can be applied to you if you believe in Him. You can be cleansed and forgiven.

The more honest we are, the more aware we are of our sin. "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to be children of God, even to those who believe in His name" (John 1.12).

Oprah's False Spiritual Teaching
1. You can have salvation without Jesus
2. Sickness does not exist
3. Death is only an illusion
4. There is no sin and evil does not exist
5. Whatever happens to you happened because you willed it
6. There is no Hell and God will not judge you

Satan will give you peace or whatever you need as long as you stay on his side of the ledger.